Alto Clef

15 0 2

Day: July 14th, 2023

Clef awoke to the sound of his alarm like any other morning, well every morning where he wanted to actually do work. The alarm blared and he begrudgingly rolled over, the sound of ruffling sheets accompanying the screeching alarm clock. Clef slammed his hand on the small machine, quickly shutting it off before sitting up. He lifted his arms up in the air and yelled slightly as he stretched like he was in pain, even though stretching was quite pleasant. He then rolled over and hopped off the bed.

At this point in the day, Clef was usually half asleep, but for some reason, he found that he was quite aware this morning. He didn't pay mind to that so he just walked over to his bathroom to freshen up for, what was probably gonna be, a boring day, but he knew if he was too bored he could always mess with Kondraki or Shaw.

He walked into the bathroom and got ready for the day. Brushing his sharp teeth, washing his face, and the normal things he did every day. He then looked in the mirror and, while he was combing his hair, practiced his signature smile. His smile was one thing that he always would gloat about, it was a pretty good smile in his opinion after all.

Clef was so focused on the smile that he poked himself in the eye that was in the middle of his forehead with the comb. "Damn it-!" he yelled in pain, throwing the comb on his bathroom counter where it then clattered into the sink as he moved both hands over his forehead eye.

After a few moments, Clef recovered from the pain. He grabbed his comb from the bottom of the sink, and with both hands, snapped it in half. He then tossed it in the trash can that was next to his toilet. He groaned in frustration and rubbed the skin around his sore eye. He then looked in the trash at the broken comb. 'Waste of a comb' he thought, regretting his decision to snap it. He then turned and walked out of the bathroom to get some clothes from his closet.

A little while later Clef was ready and dressed. He had thrown on a dark red shirt and left the three buttons at the top unbuttoned. He wore it under his lab coat that had a few small rips from the months he'd had it, since he'd replaced his old one. He had also put on some plain black pants and his work shoes. He of course also had on his favorite hat.

Clef walked over to the kitchenette he had in the corner of his room, residential chamber, apartment, whatever you want to call it really. He didn't really feel like making a good breakfast so he just poured some cereal into a bowl and filled it with milk. He then grabbed a spoon and started eating. He grabbed the on-site newspaper from off the corner of his counter that he had placed there the night before, and started reading it as he ate. Nothing really interesting.

A half hour later Clef was on the way to his office. He had paperwork to get done, but he would probably just throw it at one of his assistants and smoke while they did it for him. Who was gonna tell him off? Except maybe Gears, Shaw, and Kondraki no one at this site had the guts to look him in the eye and tell him off. He knew that he could get Kondraki to leave him alone by annoying him enough and Shaw wouldn't tell them off because they were on good terms right now. He would probably just ignore Gears anyway, and if Gears reported him, which he barely ever did, it wasn't likely anybody higher up was gonna do anything. They needed him.

Clef continued walking through the halls. The hallways weren't super busy, but there was still a fair amount of people. The men just walked normally and looked away, the woman when they saw him moved as far away as possible and walked past him quickly. Clef didn't care and got to his office. He walked in and shut the door behind him. He walked to his desk and took a seat. He grabbed a clipboard and a stack of papers as well as a pen. He then sat in his chair and leaned back, throwing his feet up on the desk and crossing his leg. He opened one of the desk drawers and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He put a cigarette in his mouth and lit it before putting the pack and lighter on his desk. He then put the papers on the clipboard and got to work reading them.

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