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Bruce's POV:
I noticed that Damian had come home later than usual today.
"Selina, do you know why Damian is back later than usual?"
Damian and her don't get along very well so I was expecting some 'rude' comment on the matter but there wasn't one.
"I think he was out with Jon."
"Like a date?"
"Possibly? Maybe that's why Damian's face is quite red."
Selina then pointed out Damian's very red face. She smirked at that.
"I'll be back soon."
"Where are you going?"
"To go and talk with Damian, I won't be long, love."
And with that I kissed her cheek and headed off to go and talk with my son.

Damian's POV:
I had just gotten home after my 'date?' with Jon. I walked in and saw my father and her cuddled up in the living room. I just walked past them into my room. Around 5 or so minutes later I hear I knock on my door.
It was father
"Hello Damian."
"Evening father."
"How was it with Jon?"
How did he know I was out with Jon?
"Great, why do you ask?"
"Just wondering"
We just sat in an awkward silence for a couple minutes until I spoke again.
"Father, who confessed their feelings first?"
"What do you mean?"
"You or Selina?"
"Me, why'd you ask?"
"How did it feel?"
I could tell that father was confused but he answered anyway.
"It felt, relaxing that Selina finally knew how I felt but at the same time I was scared. I had no idea how things were going to go or even if I would see her again. I wondered if she would leave, again. When she confessed back I was full of relief but I was still worried.
"Why? Why were you worried? She loves you back? What is there to worry about?"
"I was worried that something would go all wrong and ruin this relationship we had just formed."
"When does the worry stop?"
"To be honest, it never does, there is always that thought in the back of my head. It never goes away but you learn to live with it and it become a very small worry that you eventually stop caring about."
"So even after you both confess there is still worry?"
"Yes, I'm afraid so. Damian if this is all about Jon then I'm sure whatever happens is going to be for the best and that you both find someone. If that someone is each other then that's fine, if it's not then that's okay as well.
After my father had said that he stood up and went to leave I asked him,
"How did you know I confessed to Jon?"
"I didn't I just knew you liked him and I think he likes you back Damian."
After that he opened the door and left.

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