I'm sorry

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Damian's POV:
Everything went black, only for a couple seconds though. One minute I was waiting to 'attack' Jon and then next minute I'm on the ground with him hovering over me seeing if I'm alright. From his worried expression my guess is that he forgot how strong he is, and that I have no powers, and just lunged at me full strength.
"Damian! Are you okay? Oh my, I'm so sorry Damian!" I heard Jon frantically yell at me for about a minute.
"Yes Jon I'm fine." I wasn't all lying but it did hurt like hell.
"You sure? That was quite a hit you took. Hold on, I'll be back!" And with that he went off to where ever he was going.

Jon's POV:
I didn't even run out of the batcave, I flew. I was worried for Damian so I flew all the way to the kitchen, on the way I accidentally bumped into Alfred.
"Master Jon, are you alright? What are you trying to get to in such a hurry?"
"I'm fine Alfred but I need some ice. I accidentally hurt Damian and he fell and landed on his head so I thought that I should get some ice to at least make him feel better."
"Oh, how bad is Master Damian hurt?"
"He just hit his head pretty hard on the floor"
"Ice should be enough to help Master Damian but if it's not, just let me know and I will help."
"Yes, thanks Alfred"
"You are quite welcome Master Jon." And with that I took the ice and flew back down to where Damian was on the floor.

Third person POV:
Jon arrived and knelt next to Damian's head. He put the ice gently on Damian's head.
"You feeling better now?"
"Yes, thank you Kent"
Jon could feel a small smile form on his face after hearing those 3 simple words.

Damian's POV:
Jon place a small bag of ice on the place of impact on my head, I will admit it was quite nice but it did still hurt a little.
"You feeling better now?"
"Yes, thank you Kent"
I looked up at his face and saw his mouth slightly curl up into a smile. I learnt very quickly that Jon is quite a joyful person who smiles. A lot.
"Hey, I'm sorry again."
"Kent, it's fine" I sat up and faced him.
"You sure? I still feel bad."
"Yes, I'm sure Jon." I swear Jon could light the whole of Gotham with the massive toothy smile that appeared on his face. I will say his smile was quite contagious. I soon found myself just about smiling with him. It was not a big smile but rather just a small grin. Still, it was more than usual. I cannot believe I'm about to say this, but I might actually enjoy these next few weeks.

The moment I saw youKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat