Date pt.2

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Jon's POV:
I had gotten to the park a little early, well 10 minutes early but oh well, I didn't want to leave Dami hanging. Anyway, I was wearing my normal superman jacket but I did wear batter jeans and I even tried to do something with my hair. I had brought some money with me but Damian probably had some of his own. Just in case, I had brought enough money for him as well. Now, I thought that I would surely leave Damian hanging but actually Damian was the one who was late. Although, it could've been that I just got here early. I'm very excited for this 'date' I just wonder is Damian is as well. I sure hope so.

Damian's POV:
I was just walking to the park, at my own pace when I checked the time, 6:05?! I was late?! I quickly rushed to the park as fast as I could. Just as I slowed down I had reached the park, and Jon.
"Damian! You're here! I honestly thought that you weren't gonna show."
There was a hint of sadness in his voice when he said that last part.
"I'm sorry Jon, I lost track of time."
"It's fine Dami, you're here now!"
"So, what do you wanna do?"
"Ice cream!!!"
"At 6:10 pm?"
"Yeah? Of course."
"Okay, let's go."
Jon and I walked to the closet ice cream parlour we could find. After around 5 minutes of walking we came across one. Jon and I walked up to look at the ice cream options.
"Ooo Damian look, they have triple chocolate!"
Jon's eyes lit up, it was quite cute.
"So I'm guessing you're getting that one then?"
"Yeah! Of course! What one are you gonna get?"
I glanced at the ice cream menu deciding on what to have.
"I think I will have strawberry, with whipped cream."
"Ooo, nice!"
Jon and I ordered our ice cream then payed and left.
"Whatcha wanna do now, Damian?"
I thought for a minute then I remembered a hill with this beautiful view. It had a tree giving it shade and a bench to sit on and admire the amazing view.
"Follow me, I know a nice place?"
Jon followed me until we had gotten to the hill.
"Woah, Dami it's beautiful!"
"Yeah it is isn't it?"
At this point Jon and I had almost finished out ice creams so we went up and sat on the bench to finish eating our ice creams. It was weird but for some reason I couldn't take my eyes off him. No actually, I know why. It's because I love him, and he has the right to know. Only, what if he doesn't like me back? What if he ends up hating me?! What if...? Just don't think about that now...tell Jon how you feel, how you love him.
"Jon, can I...tell you something?"
"Yeah, of course! What is it?"

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