014 🏐Lonely and sick🏐 (Asanoya)

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Sick: Nishinoya
Caretaker: Asahi
Lonely and Sick

Nishinoya groaned as he rolled over in his bed, his body feeling heavy and sluggish. His head throbbed, and a queasy feeling churned in his stomach. Something was definitely wrong. He reached for his phone and checked the time. It was early morning, and he was alone at home. His partner, Asahi, had left for work hours ago.

As he sat up, a wave of nausea hit him with such intensity that he barely had time to stumble towards the bathroom before he retched, his stomach heaving violently. The sound echoed through the empty house, leaving Nishinoya feeling weak and defeated.

After the bout of sickness subsided, Nishinoya slumped against the bathroom wall, feeling miserable and utterly alone. He longed for Asahi's comforting presence, but he didn't want to disturb him at work. Nishinoya figured he could handle it on his own. It was just a stomach bug, after all.

But as the minutes ticked by, Nishinoya's condition only worsened. His body trembled, his temperature rising, and his limbs felt heavy as if weighed down by an invisible force. He glanced at himself in the mirror and barely recognized the pale and disheveled figure staring back at him.

Just as Nishinoya was about to give in and call Asahi for help, darkness began to creep at the edges of his vision. His legs gave out, and he collapsed onto the bathroom floor, consciousness slipping away from him.

When Nishinoya finally regained awareness, he found himself lying on their bedroom floor, a concerned Asahi kneeling beside him. Asahi's eyes were filled with worry, his hands cradling Nishinoya's face gently.

"Nishinoya, are you okay? Can you hear me?" Asahi's voice was laced with concern, his eyes searching for any sign of comprehension.

Nishinoya blinked, his throat dry as he tried to speak. "Asahi... What happened?"

Asahi's expression softened with relief as he helped Nishinoya sit up. "You fainted, Nishinoya. I rushed home as soon as I heard. You scared me. How are you feeling?"

Nishinoya's head throbbed, but he managed a weak smile. "I feel awful, but I'm glad you're here."

Asahi enveloped Nishinoya in a gentle embrace, his worry palpable in his touch. "I'll take care of you, Nishinoya. Let's get you back to bed and see if we can figure out what's going on."

With Asahi's support, Nishinoya managed to stand and make his way back to their bed. Asahi fluffed the pillows and tucked him in, his hands cool against Nishinoya's feverish skin. He fetched a glass of water and some crackers, helping Nishinoya sip and nibble, hoping to settle his stomach.

Throughout the day, Asahi remained vigilant, tending to Nishinoya's needs with unwavering care. He kept a close eye on his temperature, brought him fresh cold towels, and whispered soothing words to ease his discomfort. Asahi's presence was a constant source of comfort, reminding Nishinoya that he wasn't alone in this struggle.

Hours turned into days, and Nishinoya's condition slowly improved under Asahi's attentive care. They took turns watching over each other, never leaving one another's side for long. Nishinoya couldn't help but feel immense gratitude for Asahi's steadfast support.

As Nishinoya's strength began to return, he propped himself up on the pillows and gazed at Asahi, who was sitting beside him, their fingers intertwined. "Thank you, Asahi. I don't know what I would have done without you."

Asahi smiled, his eyes filled with love. "Nishinoya, you don't have to thank me. Taking care of you is what partners do. I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

Nishinoya's heart swelled with affection as he leaned closer, resting his head against Asahi's shoulder. "I'm so lucky to have you, Asahi. I love you."

Asahi's arms tightened around Nishinoya, his voice filled with warmth. "And I'm lucky to have you too, Nishinoya. Let's take care of each other, always."

In that moment, as they sat together, Nishinoya knew that their love could withstand any challenge. They were partners, supporting and caring for each other through the ups and downs, in sickness and in health.

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