6- Part 2 The Darkness Arises And Finally Shows Itself

Start from the beginning

Location: New Kaon

Outside The New Kaon:

The soldiers were fighting the new threat that was amongst them. They didn't want to hurt their leaders. But they had no choice. The darker you went and started attacking the soldiers. The good version of you saw this. And you didn't want this, you didn't like this. "Please stop." Your voice said. The darker you chuckled. "Not in your lifetime. This feels so good killing people. Doesn't it, my warlord?" She asked him. "Indeed. Duck my queen." The darker version of Megatron said. She immediately ducked down. He went and he sliced off one of the soldiers' heads. The real Megatron saw this and he was disgusted. He hoped that someone or somebody would save him and his queen. Because the darker versions of him and his queen are just too powerful for them.

The darker versions of you and your warlord went on killing more. The darker version of you turned and saw one of the soldiers running and going to strike your warlord and their leader. She ran and she jumped and placed her ped on his sides and she twirled and turned and she stabbed the soldier in his spark. She then yanked his cables and cords. The soldier immediately went down and went offline. She then crushed his spark. The darker version of your warlord chuckles. "You look absolutely beautiful when you make a kill like that." The darker version of Megatron said. The darker version of you blushed. "Please stop. We're evil. We can't have emotions, you know." She said and replied back to her evil warlord.

He chuckled deeply. "Oh come now. You are my evil queen and I am your evil warlord. So can we have a little romance or some meddling in it?" The darker version of Megatron said. "Yuck." Your voice and Megatron's voice said. "Maybe." Your darker version said with her voice lingering on. The darker version of Megatron chuckled evilly hearing you guys complaining. "But let's go, my warlord. And let's go meet that stupid Prime." Your darker version asked her evil warlord. He chuckled. "Indeed. Oh how I would love it to kill the Prime once and for all. And to take his head off." The darker version of Megatron said. They both chuckled and went on their way.

Location: Cybertron

Inside Cybertron:

Council Building:

Inside The Council Building:

Council Room:

Inside The Council Room:

Prime was talking with one of the guards when the doors opened to the room. He turned and he was shocked at what his optics were seeing. He was seeing Primus and all the Primes before him. He gasped. He also saw Alpha Trion. "Primus." He said. "And Primes, and Alpha Trion." He said. He walked over. "Well. If I am seeing you and the Primes before me and Alpha Trion. Then this tells me that something isn't good and something bad is about to happen." He said to Primus and the Primes. "And you are right, Prime. It's Megatron and Hannah. They are being controlled by this darkness that I talked about. And they are here. Soundwave had seen Megatron and Hannah. But he knew that something was wrong." He said and replied back to Prime. Primus was about to say something else. When he felt something. "Brothers, Prime, Soundwave. They have arrived and they are here. The battle for Megatron and Hannah. Has now begun." Primus said to everyone. Soon the doors opened to the room. "Sir. We have an issue outside." The guard said to Prime. Everyone immediately ran outside.

Inside The Town Of Cybertron:

You and your evil warlord walked. Soon someone slammed into them. They immediately stabbed the person. Everyone immediately screamed and ran for their lives. They looked and saw Prime, but they saw Primus and all the Primes before Optimus Prime himself. And all the Autobots stood next to their leader waiting for the time to attack. "Why do I remember this?" Arcee asked Wheeljack. "Because it happened when the great war first started." Wheeljack said and replied back to Arcee. Prime spoke up first. "Let go of my brother, you piece of scrap." He said to the darker version of Megatron. The darker version of Megatron laughed and cackled. "In your dreams Prime. I have a new look. Don't you like it?" He asked him. Prime shook his helm. "No I don't. I want my old brother back." He said and replied back to him. "Well, I am sorry. You aren't getting him back." He said to Prime. "Megatron, Hannah. I know you both can hear me. Fight this darkness that has a hold of you." He said to you and Megatron.

The darker version of Megatron laughed and cackled even louder. "They may hear you. But they can't help you. We have full control over their bodies now." He said to Prime. "Isn't that right, my evil queen." He asked her. She laughed and cackled. "Yes. We do have full control over their bodies. And might I say. I love her looks. Well, I mean I vamped her looks." She said and replied back to her evil warlord. It was then that no one knew what was going to happen next. It was a fight between the good and the evil again. And the help with Primus himself and his brothers. But this fight was between Megatron and Hannah being controlled and manipulated by an evil force of their own darker versions. Who will perish or who will die. Or will everyone be saved. You'll have to find out on Megatron's Human Lover Book 3: Family Sticks Together. Page 7- Part 3: The Final Battle.

To Be Continued:

This Page Was Finished/Completed On July 15th, 2023. Found An Error And Had To Correct It.

Words: 2,301

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