5- Part 1 Thinking Of Ways To Save Megatron & Hannah From The Darkness

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

Location: Place To Relax

Area Where Megatron And You Are Relaxing:

Warning: Mature. If you are under the age 18 please leave or skip this. If you cringe at lemon. Then please leave or skip this.

Megatron turned but I pushed him down. Megatron went backwards hitting his back. He looked and saw you on top of him. He chuckled. "What are you doing?" He asked me. I didn't answer him. I went and I kissed his neck cables. Megatron immediately moaned. "Hannah." He said. I went and I nipped his neck cables. He immediately yelped. "Hannah. Don't. Y... you're carrying." He said. "I know. But they aren't fully developed yet." I said and explained to him. I then saw him reaching down. He then took something off. He looked at me. "Your warlord wants you to do something." He asked me. "And what's that, my warlord." I asked him. "Give me pleasure. Because I can't give you that." He said and replied back to me. He pointed down. I looked down and saw his codpiece was off to his valve. I looked at him. "Your warlord orders you and commands you to give him pleasure." I hummed.

"You want me to do this because we don't know what is going to happen right." I asked him. He whined. I groaned. "I take that as a yes." I slowly moved down. Megatron laid his helm down. Soon he immediately moaned. You went and you moved your digits around in his valve. You were being careful because it was really sensitive. Megatron moaned uncontrollably. His optics rolled into the back of his helm. He was enjoying this when he felt he was close. He couldn't say anything. He whined. Letting you know he was close. You knew that he was close because of him whining. You knew he couldn't say anything because of the pleasure that you were giving him. Soon he overloaded hard on your digits. You pulled them out. You went and you licked the juices that covered your digits. "Hmm. You are very tasty, my warlord." I said. He chuckled. He placed his codpiece back on. "Hannah. We should head back. We are pretty far from home." He said. I nodded. We both transformed and took off heading back to the palace.

Location: New Kaon

Inside New Kaon:

Kaon Palace:

Inside The Kaon Palace:

Control Room:

Inside The Control Room:

Soundwave was looking at the security footage of the town and the palace when he saw you and his master landing on top of the palace. He was looking at other footage when he saw some of the citizens fighting. He then heard the doors open to the room. He looked and saw his master. "Master. We have a problem in the town square near the statues." He said to his master. Megatron groaned. "Alright." He said and replied back to Soundwave. "I'll be back sweet spark." He said. We both kissed each other. He then walked off.

Inside The Town Of New Kaon:

Town Square:

"Guys. Stop fighting." The one citizen said. The guy went and he punched the guy in the face. The other guy went and he punched but he punched someone he didn't expect to see. The person that he punched was their leader and master. Megatron. "Umph!" Megatron said while grunting. Megatron immediately went backwards. "Sir. Are you okay?" A citizen asked him. Megatron groaned. "I will be." Megatron said and replied back to the citizen while groaning in pain. Megatron rubbed his faceplates. Megatron looked at the citizen. Megatron slowly got up but stumbled. The citizens helped their leader and master. Megatron slowly walked forward. "I can take it. I'll take the punch." He said to their leader. Megatron looked at him. "No. I will not. I have redeemed myself like everyone else here knows." He said and replied back to the citizen.

He looked and saw his guards. "Guards. Take him to the palace prison. For he can learn from mistakes." He said to his guards. They both took him away. Megatron then glanced at the statues and saw red stuff on the statues. "WHO DID THAT!" He shouted. "Sir. It was me and that guy the guards took." He said to his leader. Megatron looked at him. Megatron really wanted to put a number on him. But he couldn't. He sighs. "Follow me. I have some things I want you to do to learn from your mistakes. And after that you and that citizen will both clean mine and the queen's statues. Understand." He said to the citizen. The citizen nodded. "Yes sir." He said and replied back to their leader. Soon they walked off.

Kaon Palace:

Inside The Kaon Palace:

Control Room:

Inside The Control Room:

Soundwave was checking the footage again. He was happy that everything was almost back to running order. He then walked out heading to his room for a good night's recharge.

In The Halls:

Megatron was walking with the guy when he saw Soundwave. "Soundwave." Megatron said. Getting the silent mech's attention. Soundwave turned. He walked over. "Yes, master." He said and replied back to his master. "Soundwave. I want you to put this citizen to work. Only for the time being. He needs to learn his mistakes and lessons. And tomorrow he and the other mech will clean mine and the queen's statues tomorrow." He said and explained to Soundwave. Soundwave nodded. Soundwave took the citizen and brought him to an area that was good for him to work at. Soundwave then left heading to his room.

Megatron's & Hannah's Room:

Inside Megatron's & Hannah's Room:

I was lying on the berth when I heard the doors open to the room. I then felt someone climbing on the berth. "So what happened?" I asked him. "Issues with some citizens. But I got it sorted out." He said and replied back to me. "Hannah. We should get some rest." He said. I nodded. "Night Megsy. I love you my warlord." He smiled. "Night Hannah. And I love you too, my queen." He said and replied back to me. We both kissed each other. And the kiss was endless. And the kiss was filled with passion. We both pushed our tongues into each other's intakes. We both moaned, feeling each other's tongues exploring each other's intakes. Soon we backed away. We both turned over. Soon before we knew it. We fell into a deep recharge. Not knowing what was going to happen to us. But at least we knew our sparklings were safe from harm.

Skip To 8 Hours:

Close To Morning:

You woke up and you slid off the berth. You walked and headed to the washroom.

Megatron's & Hannah's Washroom:

Inside Megatron's & Hannah's Washroom:

You walked over but soon you heard a voice. "Hannah. It's time." The voice said. You looked and saw your darker version with her evil warlord. "No." I said. The darker version of you quickly went and entered your body. You groaned. You tried to fight it. "Don't resist." The darker version of you said. You kept on fighting but realized you were losing your strength. You then looked and saw her evil warlord walking over to you. "Hmm. Feisty. Isn't she." He said. He went and he immediately kissed you. Soon you lost all control. Before you knew it. You were now being controlled by your darker version of you. She walked over. "I hate these colors." She went and she changed the colors. She then turned and looked at her evil warlord. "Now. Mine will be next." He said. He chuckled evilly. Will Hannah be saved? Or will Megatron also fall victim to his darker version of himself. Just like his queen. You'll have to see and you'll have to find out on Megatron's Human Lover Book 3: Family Sticks Together. Page 6- Part 2: The Darkness Arises And Finally Shows Itself.

To Be Continued:

This Page Was Started On July 15th, 2023. But Was Finished Completed On July 16th, 2023.

Words: 2,900

Transformers Prime: Fanfiction Megatron's Human Lover 3: Family Sticks Togetherजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें