Jealousy -part 1

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This is set just between rtte and httyd 2. Lol idk why but this picture looks so funny, don't mind my pc being full of screenshots of httyd funny moments.. Anyways, Astrid's childhood best friend is coming to visit Berk. But when Hiccup notices that Erik only wants Astrid to be with him, only Thor knows what will happen next. Jk, you can read it too:))

It was an early morning, Astrid and Heather just came back from their daily wake-up flight as they liked to call it. After saying goodbye to each other, Astrid hopped directly in the shower. 

Half an hour later Astrid was done, she grabbed the pile of clothes and got dressed. Suddenly a terrible terror landed on her shoulder, ''Hmh, from who could this be? After reading through the message she realised Erik was coming to visit her. ''Oh, my gods!'' She screamed excitedly. 

''What is it milady?'' Hiccup barged into their bedroom looking concerned. ''Hiccup you won't believe this, Erik is coming to visit Berk!'' Hiccup's expression changed from concerned to irritated, he had always hated that guy, Erik used his Astrid as if she was trash left on the streets. And he already couldn't handle it back then, so definitely not now. 

''That's okay,'' Hiccup scoffed. Astrid was too busy talking about Erik, that she didn't even realize Hiccup's mood swing. 

''Come on Hiccup we gotta make some preparations and tell Stoick, he always loved Erik like his real son. It's really sad he only has his mom left right?'' Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, everyone in Berk loved Erik the spoiled brat, even Snotlout had respect for him. And that means ALOT.

Hiccup's heart shattered into one thousand pieces, he deeply wished Astrid wasn't this blind. Let's get this over with, the earlier we do it the earlier he can go and leave us alone for the upcoming five years, Hiccup thought. ''Let's go Ast,'' he rolled his eyes. 

They walked into the Great Hall, ''Stoick, Stoick you won't believe this!'' Astrid screamed, Stoick had always been a father figure for her since her father died and Hiccup was totally fine with that. ''What is Astrid?'' He asked, ''You know Erik, he's visiting Berk!'' Stoick eyes lid up, ''Oh my gods that's amazing. Then we'll have a lot of preparations to do!'' Stoick smiled.

Hiccup felt confused, maybe Erik had changed. I should probably give him a second chance, he thought. ''Okay, m'lady what can I do for you?'' He grinned. 

''Yes, yes, do you mind making a welcome pie? I want everything to be perfect!'' Seeing how much Astrid cared for that guy made Hiccup's heart light up, ''Okay, okay, what fruit would you like in it? Cherries the usual?'' 

''No actually, apples those are his favorite,'' she smiled. Hiccup didn't know if he must feel guilty for overreacting or not.

(A/n) As you are reading this, I am trying to write the other part(s). I am not sure about how I want this story to happen lol. Have a great reading time my little nadders<3

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