Here Comes The Rain Again

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"Sir are you alright. You look like you didn't sleep well." The blonde Lieutenant asked on the train back to Central seeing Roy's exhausted expression, "Yeah, I just need some coffee once I get back that's all." He said seeing the serious unsatisfied expression on her face. "Will you stop looking at me like that Lieutenant. You're already assuming I'm hiding something." Roy said with a heavy sigh, "Sir... You're avoiding Edward aren't you?" She asked seeing the Flame Alchemist look away, "Why would I be avoiding him Lieutenant...", "Because he said something to you." She said simply seeing his expression change. Roy's silence said otherwise, "And those scratches on your back Sir, are they from Edward too?" She asked making Roy turn to Riza, "How did you-", "How did I see them?" She said casually, "Let's just say I accidentally saw them when I passed by when you were changing before we left." She added poking her neck where Roy's hickey was. A small blush appeared on the alchemist's pale cheeks, "Guess he got you pretty well by the looks of it." Making Roy sigh again embarrassed, "That aside, he did say something or at least I think he said something while I was asleep." He said looking at the blonde who was just waiting, "I thought I heard him say I Love You, my mind was probably playing tricks on me though.". Riza's expression changed a bit at what Roy said, "So Edward told him in his sleep but not in person... I should probably clear it up." She thought hearing Ed's voice mentally reminding what he told her the day before, "Than again he told me not to tell him..." She thought with a sigh speaking again, "But what if you're wrong, What than Sir?". The Blonde Lieutenant's redirected question made the alchemist quiet a moment, "If he did say that than no doubt it would make me happy but I'm not really sure if that's what Edward wanted. He's never really honest with me..." He said with a mumble making Riza make a face at their childish ways, "Sir you're an idiot. The both of you.". A long since filled with the train till Roy suddenly realized something alerting Riza, "Something wrong Sir?" She asked, "I left my coat back at their place.", "We can't go back now, maybe Edward will bring it back when he comes back to Central." She said knowing that was a perfect excuse for Edward to drop by hearing the alchemist mumble something she barely picked off. "I hope it isn't anytime soon." Replaying back what the Flame Alchemist mumbled, "He's embarrassed from what they did along with what Edward said to him in his sleep..." She thought deciding to leave alone for the rest of the time, "Just not sure if Major Hughes will get off his case." She thought glancing to the serious alchemist.

  "We'll meet back at Central. I'm sure  you need to check on Black Hayate and need a change of clothes." Roy said when they finally reached the station hours later getting off with Riza nodding, "I'm sure same goes for you Sir." She said simply. Take care of that back." Making Roy blush lightly, "Right, right.". "You didn't have to remind me Lieutenant..." Roy thought with a sigh when they departed ways halfway through the walk, "A quick shower sounds good, I have spare uniform jacket back at Central." He thought thinking of Edward, "I wonder if he's mad at me for suddenly leaving like that without saying anything, probably upset about it...". "Hey Black Hayate. Miss me?" The blonde asked when she walked in greeting the small dog who jumped to her barking happily making her smile, "I missed you too. Let me just freshen up and we'll go back to Central okay?" Petting the small dog before leaving to take a shower, "I'm sure I have a lot of work to do when I get there." She thought getting a change of clothes. "Are you okay Brother?" The suit of armor asked when they got their seats in the train that had just barely arrived to the station seeing his brother's bothered expression, "Yeah... No not really... I mean-" pausing when he saw the mechanic run to their window with a two boxes in her hands, "You forgot this! It's the stuff me and Riza baked yesterday." She said handing the small boxes to him. "Right sorry." Ed said as he took them with a small smile dropping it when he saw the second small box, "Who's the second one for?", "One is for Riza and the other is for the Colonel." Seeing Edward look down at the mention of Roy taking his hand surprising Al and Edward making Ed look up to her to see her bright kind smile. "The next time you come back here, you better have told him or don't come back at all." The mechanic said joking around letting go of his hand, "But seriously I'll hit you with a wrench if you don't tell him how you feel..." Making Edward sigh turning to Alphonse, "Take care you two alright? The least you two could do is call okay?" She said backing away from the train. The blonde mechanic waved with a smile as the train slowly departed away from the platform, "I'm serious Edward suck it up!" She called one last time feeling a pain in her chest when the train was gone from view dropping her smile feeling a tear along with another run down her cheek, "I'm happy for you Ed...". The suit of armor just looked at his brother who slouched leaning against the seat with his usual serious expression, "You know Winry was serious Ed..." Making Edward look down at the familiar black coat next to him making a face, "Can we get off this Al? Just wake me up when we get there I feel tired..." Deciding to sleep, "Sleep away your problems as usual Brother...".

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