Wo Bist Du

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Not hearing Roy's side of the story, Edward had completely misunderstood him after hearing what Hughes said to him the day at his office causing him to distance himself from Roy making Al worry since they had left suddenly for Resembool. "Brother... Can't you say something, it's almost been a two days since we left, I know you can talk..." Al said looking over to the silent serious blonde who was sitting on the bench quiet arms crossed leaned back since the train was having problems, "And talk about what how everything is going wrong for me?". "No... But we can start on that since we're on the topic now." Al said looking over to Edward who made a face, "Don't start with that Al." Ed said simply, "No you keep avoiding it every time I ask, well no more." Al said sternly, "Tch...". Edward just turned away with a bothered expression when Alphonse decided to get on the topic of his avoiding the topic of what happened that day at Roy's office, "Why are you always like this! Why are you always running away from your problems!". The small alchemist looked down with a pained look at what his younger brother said, "Because it makes me feel better Alphonse... If I'm not around him I don't feel this pain or this fear... I'm afraid of my emotions." He said quietly, "You just don't understand Al...".  "The day I lost my voice and you left the Colonel lost his temper with me cause I couldn't talk... I really wanted to, but I couldn't say anything."
He started quietly, "Than Hughes suddenly walked in to tell me that he thought bad when he saw us together but said that the Colonel said he was only helping me out cause I was sick." He said remembering. Al looked at Edward surprised at what he said feeling bad for asking, "It hurt me a lot... He lied, The Colonel led me on to think that he actually felt the same way about me... To think I had my hopes makes me feel worse.", "Do you really believe that Brother..." He said to the conflicted blonde. "I don't know, but I don't want to see the Colonel for a while." Ed said as the train signaled for everyone to get back on, "Looks like one problem is fixed... Come on Al." Ed said getting up from the bench grabbing his suitcase turning to him smiling to hide his pain before going to the train. "Is part of you hoping that the Colonel comes looking for you?" Al asked hitting the nail on the head when Ed suddenly stopped, "...I don't  know...", "What if he does, what than?" He asked seeing Ed grab his shoulder looking down, "I don't know Al...".

  "They left again!" Roy said as the Blonde Lieutenant nodded simply, "Yes Sir." She responded simply, "Do you know where they left to Lieutenant?", "They left to Resembool Sir." She said looking at Roy with a straight face. Roy put a hand to his face with a bothered expression, "There was no reason to be so hard on Lieutenant Colonel Hughes earlier." She said to him, "I know but Fullmetal misunderstood what he said before listening to my side..." He said with a sigh. "What were you thinking Sir?" She asked reminding him of how he had treated Edward days back when his voice was gone, "I don't know, I thought he was just trying to avoid me, I'm an idiot.", "Yes you are Sir." She said stinging Roy a bit more. Riza knew he asked where they were headed for a reason, "Are you planning to go to Resembool to apologize to Edward?" She said simply hitting a bullseye with the Flame Alchemist, "If so allow me to accompany you Sir." She added in her usual serous tone, "Make things right.". Finally reaching their stop both brothers stood up, "Finally, I can get this Automail checked." Ed said with a relieved sigh as they walked off the train, "And I can finally polish your armor." He added before telling when Al suddenly lifted him on his shoulders. "Warn me next won't you?" He said lightly tapping Al's armor with a small laugh, "Sorry, you just seem like you could use a break." He said as he started walking the long distance, "At least you don't hate me." Ed said holding on to Alphonse's armor making Al speak. "Is that what you really think Brother? You really think the Colonel hates you? If he hated you he wouldn't have cared or worried for you." He said making Ed think as he made a face, "What if you just misunderstood the situation, like you misunderstand everything...". Al's words made the small alchemist think about it as he leaned against Al, "What if you're wrong?" He asked quietly, "And what if I'm not?" Al retaliated back, "What if you're just being an idiot." Shutting up Ed almost immediately, "What do you know Al...". The blonde mechanic walked around about to head back inside hearing Den bark, "Den what are you barking at?" She asked turning to see Ed on Alphonse's shoulders surprised to see them, "Al, Ed? What a surprise." She said as Al put Ed down. "You didn't do anything wrong did you Ed?" Winry asked suspiciously making Ed react, "What kind of person do you take me for Winry!", "I'm just asking because you're always coming here when ever you're running from your problems!" Making Ed go quiet. "Huh?... Why did he go quiet when I said that." Winry thought looking to Al who was quiet, "Ed?-", "I just came to check on my Automail that's all..." He said quickly, "It's also been a while since we visited here." He added petting Den. "I also wanted to polish Al's armor again." Looking at the blonde mechanic who just let it go, "Well alright than, I'm sure Grandma will be more than happy to see you around." She said with a smile heading to the front door opening the door, "Grandma, we have visit!".

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