Mein Herz Brennt (My Heart Burns)

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Alphonse was worried at how quiet Edward was the whole time when they got back sitting down on the edge of the bed shaking his shoulder lightly, "Brother you're worrying me... Please say something." Finally getting a response. "My heart hurts... I feel pathetic." Edward said sadly and quietly laying on his side back faced towards the suit of armor, "I haven't even said anything to him yet I feel so heartbroken about..." Making Al get quiet, "To be honest I'm afraid of getting rejected...". "I wish I know how you felt Brother..." Al thought sitting closer to Edward, "Don't talk like that... Didn't we talk about this before, you don't know till you try." He said to Edward who just turned to him hugging his arm, "I know...". "But it seems the more I realize I care the harder it is for me to tell him." He mumbled giving a small cough his nose a bit stuffed up and red, "Brother just get some rest please, you need it." Fixing the scarf fixing Ed in bed with Ed protesting a bit. "Stop acting like this and just rest will you? I'll bring you something later." Al said with a sigh making Edward lie still, "Hughes had such bad timing... Still it's nice to see him around." Ed said a bit of sadness in his voice. "I'm sure he didn't mean to... Just get some rest okay? You need it since you took some medicine earlier." He said about to get off the edge of the bed feeling Ed grab onto him. "Stay with me... I'll rest better that way." He said making Al sigh, "Brother... You promise?" He asked looking at the small blonde who was about to fall asleep any moment, "I promise.". That moment Edward had fallen fast asleep still gripping to Alphonse breathing lightly  with Al looking down to him hearing him talk in his sleep, "Normally you're so straightforward with things, yet you're struggling with your feelings right now.". After a while Al quietly got off the bed since Ed was out snoring a bit face buried in the pillow with the scarf off his neck yet clinging to it cuddling with it against his chest in his sleep curling up like a cat. "...I want to help you but how?" Al thought, "I'll get him some soup that way when he wakes up he can eat, I'll probably get him some medicine too." Leaving quietly out the door.

  "Edward are you in here?" Looking around to see his office empty when Roy had went back earlier, "They left Sir, Al was carrying Edward on his back since he was fast asleep." Remembering what Riza said to him. "Of course he wouldn't be there, I did leave him there just like that right when he was about to say something... But what was it?" He thought snapping back when he heard his name being called. "Yo Roy are you listening to me!" Maes called out to the distracted Flame Alchemist, "What's with you? You've been like this since I interrupted you and Edward earlier in the staff cafeteria." He said shaking his drink taking a sip. "Ah I was just thinking of something that's all." Roy said before taking a sip out of his own drink, "By something you must mean Edward... After all he was sick when I saw him." Maes thought remembering back to how cozy they looked, "He was wearing his scarf too...". "Whatever you're worrying over has you drinking more than usual Roy..." He said pointing to the empty glasses on the counter, "That's your 7'th glass might want to quit the drinking for tonight.", "Hughes you say that like I can't handle my alcohol." Roy mumbled putting his hand to his face. "I wasn't trying to say that you can't handle your alcohol... I'm just saying you tend to kind of start saying things carelessly..." Maes said, "What are you going on about Hughes..." Roy said sighing, "You said you wanted to talk earlier.". "I just wanted to ask how things were going with you and... Show you pictures of my sweet Elicia and Gracia!" Maes said flashing the pictures making Roy sigh but laugh a bit, "Still the same aren't you Hughes. Well things are the same pretty much nothing new.". "Huh!? Nothing new?... What about earlier with Edward? You two seem to get along more than before." Maes commented noticing Roy's expression change, "...I was just helping him since he caught a cold.". Maes just made a face at Roy's answer putting the pictures down, "Alright cut the crap. This has been bothering me since I seen you two." He started surprising Roy. "What the hell is going on with you two, and don't you think of lying to me Roy cause I know when you're lying." He said simply putting Roy in a tight spot considering he couldn't think straight from the amount of alcohol he had. "Nothing, I was just helping Fullmetal out since he caught a cold that's all." Roy said almost mumbling, "You're not lying to me are you Roy? Cause I'm taking your word for it." Maes said looking at him suspiciously. Roy sighed looking Hughes in the eyes, "I'm not, there's nothing between us." He said feeling a bad pain in his chest just as he said that, "What was that just now?... Did I just really deny Edward?..." He thought. Maes looked at Roy not convinced seeing him look pained just as he said that, "Did saying that hurt him?..." He thought, "Probably it's the alcohol making me see things." He thought pushing the glass away.

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