Looking behind me I saw her give me a thumbs up, once again grinning. She knows exactly what she did. Brothers and sisters—but she's not wrong though. What's wrong with me?

"Are you okay?" Daniel asked.

I dropped his hand in mine abruptly then cleared my throat. "Me? I'm fine, I couldn't be better. Why do you ask?"

"You're behaving more odd than usual. Don't tell me you don't want me to meet your friends, I could've sworn you were excited yesterday and today when you called."

"No swearing, please." I inhaled a deep breath and smiled. "It's just my friend, Jennifer has a way of ruffling my feathers but I'm fine now."

Jennifer soon caught up to us, and together we walked to Miranda's house which was three houses down the block. Daniel hesitated in entering until I placed my hand on his shoulder and told him to relax. I wasn't this nervous the first time. I winced at the memory of a fifteen year old Penelope devoid of any emotion attending my first youth meeting.

I was a thin little thing, my clothes practically wore me and my friends said my eyes looked lifeless, as if it was staring into space and never settling on one person or thing. It was during my first meeting that I felt a spark of emotion, and since then I was grateful for Jennifer for pushing me to attend. Now it is my turn to give Daniel the push he needs to bring back that spark in his life.

The living room was cleared leaving only the couches and rug on the floor. Most of the girls prefer sitting on the ground than the couch, for instance Erica and Ruby who waved at us upon our entry. Jennifer went to join Joe and Nathaniel beside the music crew while Daniel and I made our way to the plush rug and settled.

We hugged each other. "How are you?" Ruby asked, wiggling her eyebrows. Not this again.

"Introduce us," Erica was quick to say.

Daniel spoke up beside me, feeling more confident. "I'm Daniel, it's a pleasure to meet you and be here," then smiled which won the attention of my two friends. His smile is just one of those ones that make people feel good on the inside. I left him to converse with my friends, socializing with the twenty others in the room. I know our numbers are small but it's difficult to find people who want to develop an intimate relationship with God these days.

"He's handling himself well," Nathaniel said, raising his chin in the direction of Daniel with Miranda, Ruby and Freddy. Erica was with Theodore and Irene talking animatedly and laughing.

"Huh?" I said, my gaze left Daniel's whom I was discreetly staring at to Nathaniel strumming on his guitar. The rest of the band were testing the instruments before the session started.

Nathaniel placed his guitar by his side, giving me his full attention. "This is unlike the Penelope I know. You've never let a guy distract you before and I think I've known you long enough to discern that."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't lie, to me and to yourself. You saw the way you were worried out of your mind the other day."

I looked at my sandal then at the ceiling, blowing my cheeks. "The heart can also lie okay? It's a part of our flesh and giving in to it can lead me to fall. I don't have time to focus on such things. God is my priority."

"So you admit you like him?" He raised his right brow at me.

"I mean...yes?" I groaned, "Don't worry about it. I'm sure after a while it'll go away."


God please help me to discern the right direction of my heart. I'm still young and can make mistakes, help me to make the right decisions. You brought me into his life for a reason, help me to achieve that reason. If it's your will to get closer to him in a relationship sense then I'll trust your judgment for you alone know my future.

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