For A Thousand Years

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"Is that so? Alpha missed you too, pup. Where are your parents?" Jeongguk says softly, walking towards the main pack house. 

"We're here," he hears, and Jeongguk meets Yoongi and Jimin's gaze. The alpha and omega seemed to have gone on a small shopping spree, their hands filled with different bags. 

"Hyunie, you're a big boy now; get down, pup," Jimin reprimands softly. Junghyun pouts before wiggling in the alpha's hold, slowly getting down. He joins the omega, who transfers the bags into one hand and holds the pup's hand with the other. Yoongi joins Jeongguk, and they walk behind the omega, and the pup just a few steps behind.

"Are you returning from the shrine alpha?" Yoongi inquires, his eyes never leaving his mate and pup. Jeongguk nods, nodding to the familiar faces he sees as they walk.

"I hope the goddess listens to your prayers soon," Yoongi says softly, now looking at the alpha. Jeongguk gives him a soft smile, his eyes darting to Junghyun. Yoongi notices the look of longing in the alpha's gaze. 

"You don't need to do this anymore, Alpha; you have waited for so long. How much more time will you wait? The good days of your youth are going to waste like this; why don't you try to find a suitable mate?" Jeongguk sighs, shaking his head. 

"No, Yoongi, I can't do that. I know my mate is out there somewhere; it's okay even if I meet him on my deathbed, but I don't want anybody else."

 "What about your pups alpha? I know how much you want one." "I'll have pups when I meet my true mate; I can't be with anyone else, Yoongi; my wolf won't be at peace."

"I know there is no use in arguing with you; I am just worried about my friend," Yoongi mumbles dejectedly. Jeongguk smiles, patting Yoongi's shoulder in reassurance. "Don't worry, I am sure the Moon Goddess won't let me down," he says with a smile.

Jeongguk looked at the moon from his window; it was a full moon night. He doesn't know why his heart was a bit unsteady; he felt a kind of uneasiness overall. He tries to sleep, but he isn't able to. After turning on his sides and trying to sleep for a few hours, he gives up as he gets up from the bed. He changes his clothes and gets out of the house, walking towards the shrine. Maybe he can find a bit of peace if he meditates there for some time, he thinks as walks through the dark forest. Just as he was nearing the shrine, Jeongguk could suddenly hear low growls. He paused in his steps, the feeling of impending danger alerting his body. He pauses his steps, his breathing getting heavy as he hears the rustling sound of leaves. He gulps slightly, turning back. There was a group of rogue wolves gazing at him with predatory eyes. Jeongguk doesn't know how many there were, but he was sure it would be at least more than 10 wolves. He had forgotten to take his sword with him. He held his breath as the rogues rounded him. This was a very bad idea! He curses before quickly shifting to his wolf.

 Instead of the alpha, now stood the majestic black wolf, with silky black fur and hot red eyes. He bared his teeth as the rogues dashed forward, attacking him all at once. Jeongguk wasn't some weak alpha; he's a well-trained and strong warrior with years of practise and experience. But he was simply outnumbered and was at a high disadvantage as he didn't possess any weapons at all. Still, he tries his best as he tears apart two of the rogues with his claws. He was already wounded all over when he took down the sixth wolf, getting pale and haggard. But then he was pinned down to the ground as a huge wolf clawed at his stomach, tearing the flesh apart. The forest echoed with the alpha's loud wails as blood gushed down from his body and the beating of his heart slowed down gradually. He feels the final fight leave his body as he feels the rogue wolf digging its claws into his heart. Jeongguk slowly closes his eyes as he feels his end is near, mind clouding with the pain of not getting to meet his mate. A single tear rolls down the alpha's bruised cheek. Jeongguk doesn't know what happens after, his mind hazy and body paralysed with broken bones. 

For A Thousand Years I TaekookWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu