14. "Give not, Yield not!"

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THE SHADOWS OF one thousand millennia mocked Oath Guard Tower as Medgar wasted away in the tower room he had not left since being rendered useless by a Grell deceiver. His evil desires, held captive by a spell he had no way of breaking.

With Osador now dead Medgar had no way of reclaiming anything he had lost.

All his best men were scattered among the Territories including the one who had secretly harbored a wish to overtake Osador, but Medgar had declined him time and again. He gnashed his teeth in anguish, rubbing his cold hands together.

Every single night since that fateful moment Medgar lit a candle and made his way down the spiralling tower steps to the flooded, dank underbelly of the castle where it all happened and searched for something, anything he might find to release him of his invisible chains. But as always he would find nothing. Tonight was no different.

He waded into the dark, motionless waist deep waters, their frigid cold wrapping around his torso immediately numbing to the skin, and held the candle high above his head. It's warm, flickering light casting strange shadows along the stone ceiling and walls.

Dripping shards of icy water leaked from above and each drop landed with a hollow echoing plink. He made his way through the chilling, noiseless depths to the same place he went every night and stared at the wall where the ancient markings were etched. His trembling, boney fingers reached out to the moss covered wall, moist and spongy to the touch, trailing the outline of each enigmatic symbol.

He stood there, growing more desperate with every moment. He forced his eyes to study the markings. They seemed to stare back down at him, refusing to reveal their inner secrets, smiling at his discomfort. A thin sigh passed his lips. He knew his efforts were useless, but he also knew his time was running out. Each day he existed as a mere shadow-bane was one day closer to his expiry.

His time to act would be lost forever along with his hold on the lands he long-coveted, pined for even. He turned in abject disgust.

That man-child must be found, and soon.

No other sacrifice could be made but the one who had placed him in this dire predicament. He pushed tiredly back through the dark waters cursing vehemently as one lone drop of water fell from the ceiling and extinguished his candle. Darkness enveloped Medgar and he screamed out. An angry, desolate howl.

With his ire renewed Medgar trudged heavily back up the tower stairs yelling for his convert. The young man came running from his adjoining room.

"Light my fire! I want it raging hot! Bring my dry robes and fetch more candles from the servant quarters." Medgar clapped impatiently. "After these things bring me a scroll and quill. I will have you take a note. It must be delivered immediately and you shall see to it my requests reach Ojamar beyond the Sphalerite Mountains before two nights have passed!"

The young boy now known as Eliodor bowed three times and before he could do it again Medgar screeched with distress. "NOW BOY!"

Eliodor jerked with fear and went to work keeping a close eye on Medgar who sat sullenly behind him. There was no telling what the Master would do next. Especially these days while he sat with no immortal powers.

Rumors flew fast in the dark castle and Eliodor knew some of his peers had disappeared under unusual circumstances of late. He certainly did not want to be the next mystery.


In Blade Shield, high atop the south facing guard tower and ramparts the urgent sound of the Blade Forged horn split the mid-morning air.

Shouts of frenzy erupted as Riagon's men rushed from their preparations to attend to the shouted announcement from the Herald that riders advanced.

Korian was the first out of the massive baily gate which had been left open for their pending departure. Others followed but it was he that recognized the youthful face of Neswren and the rotund figure of Eiliq Clack half walking and being also dragged behind Neswren's war horse, his hands tied tightly in front of him.

"Tis Neswren!" Korian shouted as he ran down the hill to meet them in the field.

Neswren unfurled a banner and it whipped in the strong northerly gusts that blew in from the ocean side of the Keep. He waved it wildly, shouting back but his words were lost in the wind.

As Korian approached, Neswren dismounted and jumped, running toward him and he fell on his knees quivering with fear.

"They've taken her!" He grovelled. "King Terthils men! They ambushed us! Right beyond the loch!" He gasped.

Korian, tall and menacing, towered over Neswren where he knelt prostrate, his head on the ground. Eiliq stood nearby his face flush with anger blubbering something no one could understand.

"This much we know," Korian growled as he pulled his sword from the scabbard on his hip. "What remains is punishment to the ones who allowed this tragic mistake," and with those words Korian grabbed Neswren by his hair, lifting his head. "I want you to see the one who meets it on you," he cried impaling his sword deep into Neswren's belly until it appeared from his back, dripping with the life blood of the Honor Pledge who would never see his greatest desire.

Korian put his foot on Neswren's shoulder and grunted pulling his sword free, then strode over to Skaenn who met him head on. Korian raised his sword, the razor sharp tip of it and placed on Skaenn's throat. "Where is Helkild! Is he dead!"

Skaenn leaned his head back giving Korian full exposure to his neck. "Helkild is gone after them."

Korian laughed out loud. "Helkild is wise. Smarter than the likes of you!" He pulled his arm back to run Skaenn through when a shout froze him. His Father.

Odric Grald had made one simple command and Korian dropped his arm where he stood.

Riagon stepped up next to Odric and waved his men over. "Take him. Put him away in the donjon until this matter is resolved."

He looked at Odric. "We still leave on the rising of the sun tomorrow. For now we must convene in the meeting hall with Skaenn and hear his tale."

Riagon walked over and stood before Eiliq looking him up and down. "This one too. Place him inside with Korian."

Eiliq swooned at Riagon's words. "No! Master Lord! I have been gracious toward you and all your men! I have honored youuuu..." he hollered as Riagon's men forced him to walk ahead of them pushing him when he balked, slapping his bald head when he begged them for respite.

Riagon and Odric faced one another for long breathless moments they only stared deeply into each other's unflinching gazes and then Odric went down on one knee and raised his hand. "Give not, Yield not!"

Riagon nodded, and looked back at Skaenn. "Let us convene Skaenn Dahn, and hear what manner of ambush resulted in Neswren's death."

Inside the gates Odric addressed several servants and bade them to go out and retrieve Neswren's body and bury him. Then, he went to tell his son that whatever the council decided he would uphold.

AARIUS GRAIL The Last StoneCipher | By @WendyyWolfeWhere stories live. Discover now