Chapter 20

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~Ashley's POV~

It's been a uyear since me and Andy got together so i wanna do something special. And i want it to be a surprise so naturally everyone knows about it. Except Andy, but it's been no cake walk trying to keep it from him. I took Andy out walking around to kill time. After a few hours of that i took him to a bar, acting like it was just another day. He was pretty upset but i figure it'll only make my surprise that much sweeter. Andy was drinking a considerable amount of beer, enough to definitely be hung over in the morning, but i was taking it easy and savoring my first bottle. I started talking to someone, my back turned to Andy. It must have been a least an hour before the person i was talking to said

"Hey your man left with some really attractive blonde."

I turned to see her whisk my extremely drunk boyfriend away. Andy.......

I searched high and low for them and managed to get her name. Juliet Simms. That little bitch. First Scout and now this Juliet. It's a good thing we're a gay band because honey we got serious girl issues. And on our special night. Fucking Hell i hate life right now. Why did i choose a bar of all places to act nonchalant?! Stupid stupid stupid. Guess i have to go track Andy down. Fun.

A/N: I'm planning on cutting the story right here. Sorry the chapter's so short*~*

This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy (Andley) #Wattys2015जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें