Chapter 14

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~Ashley's POV~

Scout had no sympathy for me or my broken bones. I was in such a fragile state, as it hard to breathe because of my broken ribs, and after she nearly broke a third rib I couldn't help but sob. My tears only made her beat me harder. Relief finally came when I heard faint sirens and saw flashing blue and red lights through a window. Scout rushed upstairs and I had to laugh. She was SOOOO busted, good luck explaining the blood sprayed on your shirt from where I spit it at you. Coughing blood is never fun, neither is breaking ribs or almost every fucking bone in your body. I heard someone talking to Scout and was just trying to distinguish a voice when someone knocks at the window. I looked over and oh my God I've never been more happy to see someone in my life. It was Jinxx and Jake. Jinxx opens the window and they both climbed into the house. I considered saying something but instead splattered blood on the floor coughing violently. Jake knelt by my side while Jinxx went to work trying to unchain me.

"I realize probably everything hurts but does anything specifically hurt worse Ashley?" Jake asks and I nodded, taking a shaky breath.

"My ribs are killing me. She broke two of them and nearly broke a third one." I paused to take another shaky breath and cough blood. Jinxx managed to get one of my arms free but couldn't get the other.

"It's impossible to get this second without the key. I'm sorry Ashley." I heard footsteps and looked over at the open window. Scout was being escorted by an officer and I assumed she was being arrested.

"Where's Andy?" I asked, more like demanded, I NEED to see him.

"Uhhh......" Jake starts and the basement door flung open. An officer, the nurse I gave the note to, CC and Andy all came down. Andy threw his arms around my neck in a tight hug and I wrapped my arm around him hugging back. Tears of happiness and extreme pain streamed down my face. God this hurt so much but I don't give a damn, my Andy was here. That's all that matters.

This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy (Andley) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now