Chapter 13

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~Nurse's POV~

After that young man and the girl that brought him left, I immediately picked up the phone and dialed 911.

"9-1-1 what is your emergency?"

"I have information on a missing guy named-" I looked at his file. "Ashley Purdy."

"What is the information ma'am?"

"I'm a nurse and he just left our hospital with a lady I'm assuming from his note is his kidnapper."

"And what did this note say?"

I picked up the note and unfolded it. " 'She's holding me against my will....." I read the note off and the person on the other end asked if I could come by and personally drop the note off.

"Okay I can most certainly do that."

"Thank you ma'am you've been very helpful." I hung up and grabbed my purse, walking out to my car. I drove to the police station and walked in, note in hand.

"Excuse me I called in earlier concerning Ashley Purdy?"

"Yes you'll need to go see her." The guy points me to a woman talking to guys in head to toe black. I nodded and walked over. The lady waves me over and one of the guys turns and I saw black tear stains on his face. This must be the "Andy" Ashley mentioned. The other turns as well and I waved slightly.

"You saw my baby?" The tear stained one practically jumps me. I nodded and the other pulled him back down on his seat.

"Calm Andy. Let the woman talk."

"Yes. Ashley was brought in by a girl that judging by this note was someone named Scout." I saw the color drain from his already pale face.

"Wait my ex-girlfriend did all this?! Why am I not surprised, that little bitch." I was a bit taken back by his language but he did have his boyfriend his ex girlfriend. I'm guessing she didn't like that he was gay and wanted vengeance? Eat some ice cream and get over it woman. No wonder he left you you insane psychopath. I was about to hand the note to the officer when Andy snatched it from me. "CC he says she has him in her basement. Wait what was he in the hospital for exactly?" The officer pried the note from Andy after he asked me this.

"Uhhh....lets see-" I tried to recall off the top of my head. "-two broken ribs and a series of fractured bones ranging from hairline cracks to on the verge of breaking. They were scattered across his body, these fractured bones." Andy looked ready to faint and CC, as Andy had called him, pulled him down on his seat again. He looked equally pale. A moment of shock later, Andy shoots up from his chair. "Then what are we waiting for?!" He yells and CC pulls at his arm but Andy shook him off. "We know where Ashley is and this very nice nurse here just said he left the hospital with Scout. I wanna go and get him back!" Andy was still yelling but I think he was trying to compliment me. The officer turns and she called for two people and whispered something in one's ear. "Alright Andy we'll send some guys over to get Ashley and arrest this Scout for kidnapping. If you and your friend here wanna call your other buddies and come with them to say where she lives that's fine." Andy and CC nod and I turned to leave, my part in this done, when Andy grabbed my arm.

"Wait we may need you. She could be hurting Ashley as we speak." His voice cracked with emotion when he said hurting. I nodded and the officer escorted us to the cop car that the other cops were driving to Scout's house. Ashley has a great boyfriend and some really awesome friends worried for him. I hope he's okay. I'd hate to have let him walk out of my sight for nothing.

This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy (Andley) #Wattys2015Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora