Chapter 19

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~Ashley's POV~

" You sure CC will be okay falling for another fan?" I asked Andy while CC was out with Dustin.

"I'm sure he's fine."

"I'm worried about him. What if it doesn't work out Andy?"

"Well then CC will figure something out. Stop worrying so much Ashley. We haven't done something in the longest time because you've been worried about Jake and Jinxx and now you're worrying over CC."

"I know, I know. I'm sorry Andy. Let's do something today then."

"Alright. What do you wanna do?"

"I'm up for whatever." I shrugged.

"Wanna juat go get a pizza and some movies? Stay in tonight?"

"Sounds fun. Sure." I smiled and Andy went out to get the movies. I told him to get whatever just no horror movies. I like the cheesy horror ones, or like a haunted house ones. But no paranormal activity shit. I stayed back and messed around on my phone. I saw where Jake and his guy didn't get on as well as Jinxx and Will did. He texts me saying that he's that obsessive kinda guy who after break ups, stalks his ex.

"Now if he didn't look like Jinxx would you have gone out with him?"

"Fuck off."

Which is like when a parent says "because i said so." I knew i had won this discussion. Jinxx and Will were at a movie and CC was at Dustin's house just hanging out. It seems like they are working out but i'm just waiting for his parent's to come between the two when CC wants him on tour but his parents want him in school; if he even still goes to school. It ws hard to distingush under all the warpaint. I texted him to be sure.

"Hey CC by any chance you know how old your man is?"



"He'll be 18 in less then a month."

"Dude you're fucking a minor!"

"No one said anything about fucking just yet Ashley."

"Just yet?! You mean you were planning to?!"

"In the near future......near-ish."

"That ish better be a month away. Im not bailing your pedo ass outta the slammer."

CC never answered and Andy comes back in with three movies. One just so happened to be Deliever Us From Evil which I think is supposed to be extremely scary. "The last one is for me because you always fall asleep when we watch movies together."

"That was one time!"

"That's what you said the last two times Ashes. So what's new?"

"Dustin's a minor!" i blurted.

"I'm not bailing Coma's pedo ass out."

"That's what i said." He starts one of the movies and I'll be damned but i fell asleep on Andy after the second movie.

"Told you. Night Ashley." He smiles. Fuck i hate when he's right.

This Is Our Sweet Blasphemy (Andley) #Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now