The man made an indefinite sound as a pen scratched across paper in the background. "I sure hope you can," he sighed, leaning back in his creaking chair. "See, I've heard good things about your critical work, kid. Real good things. And I hear you offer editing services too, is that right?"

    "It sure is," Elise said, shrugging in response to Robin's unspoken question. "Who is this, by the way?"

    "Name's Arin Beaumont, kid, and I've got one heck of an editing job for you if you're up for it." Papers rustled over Arin's desk, and he cleared his throat as he found the right one. "How'd you like to work on the latest novel of a hugely successful and award-winning romance author?"

    Staggering back into the sofa, Elise breathed to steady her racing heart. "Did you say award-winning?" she asked as she shook the giddiness from her body. "I'd love to! I mean, I've never worked with someone that high-profile before, but I'd love to try. Just send me the documents, and –"

    "Ah, now there's the thing." Arin drummed his fingers on his desk, and Elise flinched away from the phone at the sharp tapping. "My client's sort of a tiny bit of a huge control freak. She won't work remotely with anybody. If you want this gig, you'll have to be able to travel to her home, just outside Bosmouth, on a regular basis. Is that a problem?"

    Elise leaned forward in her seat, shuffling to the side to make space for Robin beside her. "It shouldn't be, I suppose. Who's the client I'll be working with?"

    "Her human name is Florence Jago," the man said, his smirk audible in his shifting tone. "But you know her by her pen name. In fact, you've already worked a lot with Misty Waters, from the looks of your recent articles."

    "Wait, your client is Misty Waters? And you're asking me to work with her?"

    Arin cut her off with a deep sigh. "Look, real talk, kid. You weren't my first, second, or even fifteenth-choice. But none of that matters now, alright? The job, and the fee, is yours if you want it, as is the pretty tight deadline. I'll send you the address for Florence's cabin, and I'll be there around midday if you're interested in talking details."

    The line went dead before Elise could speak, and her jaw dropped as she stared at her phone's dark screen. Robin scratched the back of his neck and shifted in his seat. "I'm guessing that phone call was as weird as it sounded," he said, guiding Elise's shaking hand to place her phone on the sofa between them. "Somehow I heard you agree to spend time with Misty Waters in person."

    "Yeah, you did, and I really did say that," Elise answered. Her eyes darted to her phone screen as it lit up, and she narrowed her eyes at the home address provided for Misty Waters, or Florence Jago as Elise now knew her. "If I want to know more, I'll have to go over to have a chat. Robin, I –"

    "Stop, Ellie. I know what you're going to say." With a serious look, Robin took Elise's hand and squeezed it softly. "You don't think you're ready for a big job like this, and you don't think you deserve it either, not when you've seen so many other writers give up. But I've watched you grind yourself to dust pulling all-nighters to meet deadlines for both articles and uni work, and I'm positive you deserve this chance. Is it a lucky break? Sure, but luck is worthless without hard work, and you're more than capable of putting the work in. You're fantastic at what you do, Ellie!"

    Elise hid her face behind her hand. "Wow, Robin," she stuttered, her lips broadening into a smirk. "That's so sweet of you to say, but..."

    With reddening cheeks, Robin flew up from the sofa and retreated into the kitchen. "No, you're right, it was too much. I was trying to be a good friend, that's all. I'll shut up now."

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