Episode 1 - Who are You???

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Hey Guy's! before I'm starting story wanna say that - Don't you forget to read complete story , don't u dare to left in Starting or middle of the story just kidding I hope u all will read till End!!!!...

Well! here We Go Guy's just stay with me untill the story end's !!!

Day -1 - W- with a high school ordinary boy - KATA GAKI

Alarm watch ring's !!!!! Uh it's hurt's why I again & again Slip's from bed every morning huh, Everyday is same , Sun comes nd left at Evening , does it always be same as always, I don't really like it

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Alarm watch ring's !!!!! Uh it's hurt's why I again & again Slip's from bed every morning huh, Everyday is same , Sun comes nd left at Evening , does it always be same as always, I don't really like it. Uhh shit ! I'm getting late for school , I'm leaving for school.

* SHIKAMARU ONE OF KATA GAKI FRIEND ; hey kata gaki wait for me let's Go together.

KATA GAKI ; Hey Shikamaru it's you

SHIKAMARU ; Kata gaki will you come In summer festival with us , let me think it's just after 10 day's

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SHIKAMARU ; Kata gaki will you come In summer festival with us , let me think it's just after 10 day's

KATA GAKI ; maybe but not sure about it

SHIKAMARU ; Ohh i see , but think about it later maybe you changed your mind.

KATA GAKI ; okay I will think about it later


IN CLASSROOM , too much noise everyone is talking !!!

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IN CLASSROOM , too much noise everyone is talking !!!

KATA GAKI enter's in Class and put his head on table nd sleep...

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