Chapter 5:

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*** Jacob POV ***

" y'all I'm worried for her.." Craig sighed.

"Man, I am to. He looked like he was 'bout to kill her." I sighed

"Lets go see if she's okay" Ray suggested.

"Unless you wanna come back out beaten I suggest your ass stays where it is. Anyway we've got school tomorrow" Chres said.

"Yeah, your right. I'm 'bout to go bed and all" Craig yawned.

All of the boys went to a room, to be fair I wasn't actually tired. I got in to the room I was sleeping in and took out the little diary. I locked the door showered and put my basketball shorts on , then sat on the side of the bed.

I opened it slowly and it was a diary basically to her mom, some cute pictures of Kiante when she was a baby. I briefly looked at the pictures of her and came to the writing.

' Day 1:

Mom died. I'm lost. Alone. Depressed. I miss you mom. Come back to me. I love you. Why did you have to leave me so early. You haven't even seen my grandchildren... Well I don't even know of i'll live that long.. I hope so..

Well, mom, My 'dad' your beloved 'husband' raped me, he had to much to drink.. Then he must have thought I was you... But erm, my innocence has gone along with my reputation if anyone finds out. Man I miss you mom. I love you.  


I was absolutely destroyed, only the page there was a picture of Kiante and her mum when she was alive. I turned the page and read more, I just cried like a gosh damn little baby. The stuff this girl has been through.

'Day 14,

Same old shit,  

Still miss you mom, 

If you actually saw this you'd give me a lecture but I'd rather you be here to do that.

'Dad' beat me again. This time he used his belt and hit me about 5 times across my back and twice on my legs. He also slapped me a couple times on my face... Then did the whole 'rape' thing.

To be honest mommy.. I'm scared. He left me curled up in a ball in the corner of the room while he went to the store. I just cried the whole time he was gone. Then when he came back he had brought Condoms and foundation. You know why he brought the foundation???

... So I can cover my scars, cuts and bruises. I cry myself to sleep. I have nothing to live for. I'll fight for another day I guess, I kinda need a BestFriend, like a boy... Girls are to bitchy and if we fell out she'd take her loud ass mouth and tell the world my problems but if it was a decent boy I guess he wouldn't tell no one but where am I gonna find one of them in L.A?! Anyway for now,

R.I.P mommie :'(

I Love You! <33333 '

I hugged my knees. I actually don't think I could have read anymore. I cried a little then curled up on the bed and fell asleep with the diary locked in my arms.

*** Kiante POV ***

I don't know where I'm going, I might go to Craig's but I don't wanna seem to obvious. I walked for about an hour, it was early hours in the morning, I had no sleep and I looked a mess, I was literally homeless at this point.

I walked back the way I came and saw Craig and the boys come out the house, I guess they were going to school. I hid behind another house and saw Craig put a spare key underneath the flower pot.

When the boys had completely gone out of sight. I snuck to where the flower pot was and took the key from underneath and unlocked the door. I snuck inside and put my bag on the ground, I was pretty sure he wasn't coming back home. I showered and changed in to some of my clothes that I packed.

Once I'd finished I got out and grabbed some food from the kitchen, I sat down and thought about everything. I knew my dad would be at work or with some hoe, so I decided to go home and get money so I could stay in a hotel. I walked out of Craig's putting the key back under the flower pot and strolled towards my house.

I put my ear to the door to see if he was there, he wasn't so I snuck in and searched through his draw taking $1000. I shoved the money in my purse and walked back out towards the bus stop. The bus finally came and I hopped on.

*** Rayan POV ***

It was lunch and I had been searching for Kiante but she was no where to be found. Me and the guys sat round the table eating, when Craig spoke.

" where do y'all think she is?" Craig asked.

"No offence Craig, but why do you care so much?" I asked.

Jacob got really defensive.

"Didn't you see the scars on her face!" Jacob asked.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating.

"I think we should go knock on her door after school" Chres suggested.

The only reason I'm worried is cause of the scars, I'm never one to feel sorry for girls to me they're just fuck and go. They end up pregnant? Call them a hoe and say the child ain't mine.

I got up and heard the bell for next lesson, Science. Me and the boys walked in to class. Jacob sat with his head buried in his hands. He can't fall for her he just cant't..

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