Chapter Six - Ruines Of An Old Home

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(This is what Ohta currently looks like.) It took three weeks to reach my first home. My heart dropped at the sight of it. Nothing was left but ash and dust. I walked over to the torn apart building. Images of my father flashing in my mind. More pacifically. The last time we where here together. As a family.

"That a girl! Your doing great Usagi!"

My fathers string and kind voice echoed in my ears as I lightly pushed away soot and ash. Finding I cracked picture frame of my family. My mother losing a one year old Ohta. My father holding a one year old rio. With a seven year old me between them. We all wore bright smiles.

"Hand Reo over Ruri! He wants his hood old papa to hold him!"
"Yeah yeah. Hush now and hold still for the picture Yuuto."

I began walking around again. This time pocketing the picture. Then there was a crack. I stopped. I shouldn't look down. It was a bad idea. And yet... I still did. I looked down and my throat instantly went dry at the sight. A Snow White skeleton of a man. It didn't take much for me to know just who this was. I stumbled back wards and ended up falling onto my but.

"Ruri! There hear! Usagi grab Reo and Ohta! Ruri get then out of here and run! Dint look back I'll hold them off!"
"But Yu-"
"No! Get out of here! I'll meet up with you I promise."

My whole body shook as I moved to my knees. His clothing was so clean. His skeleton head rested on his chest. Slowly. With my hands trembling I picked up my father's skull. Then closing my eyes I placed it where it belongs.

"I love you Usagi. My precious little moon."

My eyes spotted something white poking out of his pocket. With my hands still shaking I grabbed it and opened it.

Hello. Please. Only read this if you have six phantom troupe marks. I swallowed my spite. My hands shaking.

If your still reading this then we are assuming your our soulmate. As you've probable figured out by know you have multiple soulmates. Hopefully only us six. But hey, you never know. Anyways. What you see here. Yeah it's just the beginning. As you probable know we are a band of thieves and killers. We take what we want. We take what we believe belongs to us. Which just so happens to include you. This here is an example of what we are willing to do to find you. Though we must admire it's really hard to do that. This is your first warning of three. Well. More like your first strike. Though considering your fathers reactions you probably will never see this. Something to do with your mother protecting you. Yeah we'll see how that works out.

Anyways. You probably didn't know this but by pulling this letter out if your fathers pocket you set off an alarm. It'll tell us your in the area and that you've seen the letter. Meaning that by the time you reach this point. SHIT! I spot up to my feet. Dropping the letter. Then that means one of us are already on our way if not already there. Can't wait to meet you! I twisted around in a quick circle and ensuring I didn't see anyone I took off. I used the shadows as cover and turned into a raven, a very common bird in the area. I took off into flight. I'm so glade I only carry my wallet with me.
With love,
Your soulmates! As I flew over top and as hight as I could while still being able to see the ruined if my house I spotted a figure coming to a stop. The ground cracked beneath his feet. I circled around. He had long black hair, wore a semuri  like outfit, and had a sword at his hip. This was Nobunaga Hazama. He looked frustrated. Not even ten seconds later another figure came to a stop. I began to fly in a small circle around them. This one was taller, more muscular. He also created a much, much bigger dent in the ground then Nobunaga did, he had grayish hair and tanned skin. He wore a white tank top, a bears skin as a coat, and cargo shorts. He was clearly Uvogin. He also began to look around. My gut twisted. This was not good. This time. Not even three seconds later a third person arrive. He, was about my height. He to had black hair, but he wore all black and a scarf. He was clearly Feitan Portor

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