Chapter Four - Of Your Freinds Jump- Yes...

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(Thirteen year old Reo.) I stared, still woth dotted eyes as I stared down a cliff. Still in Menchi's arms as she spoke. I blinked as she slowly sat me down. Finally freedom! And jumped off the cliff. That looks like fun! "Usagi. No." I looked my beloved sister dead in the eyes. Then. With a smile reaching from ear to ear I said...
"Usagi, Yes!" With that I jumped in right after Menchi. I hung there with her and we both let go at the same time. Grabbed our eggs, I giggled and laughed, and squealed the entire time both as I jumped down and came back up. I landed effortlessly right next to Menchi. I watched as my younger siblings jumped. I stared at them. Waiting patiently for my sibling to come back up. The moment I did I reached both hands out for them to grab. They did and I guided them to land gracefully on their feet. Soon the three of us where eating together. "No talking to soulmate telepathically while eating." Reo jumped.
"Yes ma'am." I smiled at my brother.

I sat on the ground, Ohta resting her head on my left thigh, with Reo resting his head on my right thigh. I stared at my left inner wrist. My left white gloves currently off and resting in my right hand. I stared at the twelve legged spider with the number five engraved on its back. I looked down to my glove. I needed to tell Kurapika. He was my friend. He deserved to know. But my rules I repeated them in my mind. Engrave and remember. Rule number one, trust no one. Rule number two, observe everything around you. Rule Number three, never show soul-marks to anyone. Rule number four, tell no one of my soulmates. Rule number five, never show pain. Rule number six, value everything you love while you have it. Rule number seven, never look back. Rule number eight, never act on pure emotions. Rule number nine, always stay calm. Rule number ten, move in silence only speak when it's time to say checkmate. Rule number eleven, never beg for anything. Rule number twelve, stay in control always. Rule number thirteen, never tell anyone what I'm doing until I'm done. Rule number fourteen, leave the past in the past. Rule number fifteen, if they are behind me protect them, if they're next to me respect them, if they're against me no mercy. Rule number sixteen, never repeat myself. Rule number seventeen, giving up is not an option. Rule number eighteen, nobody is going to save me, I must protect myself. Rule number nineteen, there is no such thing as second chances. Rule number twenty, always trust my gut.

I sighed. It'll be alright right. If I tell Kurapika I'll be enforcing both rule number twenty and rule number twelve. But it'll be breaking both rule number four and three. Sighing I decided to go with my gut feeling. So, moving my siblings head off of my lap, I stood up and went to look for Kurapika. Once I found him I gently shook him awake. "Come with me, I wanna talk to you about something." He just nodded.

I stood across the window looking outside into the night sky with Kurapika. "I need to tell you something..."
"What is it?"
"First I want to get one thing across. I despise the phantom troupe. They slaughtered my mother and father because they where hiding something they want. Now I'm hiding it." He froze up.
"Usagi!" He whisper yelled. "That's dangerous!"
"I know. But the something isn't an object of eyes. It's a person." He looked confused. I clenched my hands. "Have you found your soulmate?" He shook his head no.
"Wh-" I cut him off.
"Neither have I. But I know who they all are."
"They? All?" I didn't look at him. I honestly was to scared to.
"I gave six. What soulmate mark do you have?"
"The symbol that will glow when you meet them." I hummed.
"What appears in my skin appears in theirs. My soulmates got tattoos." I pulled off my left gloves. "All their Tattoos are similar. With one difference. Indications there all members of the  same group..." Kurapika stared at me confused. I could feel his curious gaze. I handed him my left wrist. The inner part facing up. "Pull up my sleeves." He did, I felt him freeze up on sight. I just noticed the tears streaming down my face. "Yep. My soulmates are members of the phantom troupe." I looked at Kurapika. His eyes where glowing scarlet under his black contacts. "Due to my type of soul bind if you kill me you'll kill six spiders at the same exact time. You kill six or seven birds with one stone. I won't even fight back. Because those guys are monsters. They slaughtered my mother and father like they where pigs just because they wouldn't give me up." He continued to Star at my left arm. His grip tight. Then his pulled my sleeve up more. He saw a stick. Then he saw the tattoo of a Birds Eye view of a bluebird on a branch.

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