1. The ruins

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Huh? Stop that...it's to loud, what's happening? My eyes slowly opened. Where am I? Who am I? Why can't I remember anything? I slowly move my arms to the cold floor beneath me as I sit up. I was in a building . Completely destroyed with only a few walls standing. The moonlight seeped through open cracks in the ceiling giving the space a blueish hue. The sound of running water fills my ears and I notice a small puddle in the far end of the room  with water slowly dripping into it. After I finish taking in my surroundings I finally realize, that there is a literal body on top of my legs... I use my grip on the floor and start attempting to scoot away from it as fast as possible. Further further and further . I stop. Their body just lays there. Not moving. For some reason I was expecting them to get up. To move. To do something, anything that proves it has life. But it dosent. I felt tears prick my eyes. But why. Why was I crying? I don't know them... or maybe I do? I don't know anything. I don't remember anything. But for some reason seeing them laying there life less makes my heart shatter. I feel sick. I want to scream. To cry. To destroy. I want to stop feeling or maybe feel something other than this dreadful feeling flooding my senses.  I move closer to them and without command my hands drift slowly and gently reach for their body.  I fear they might break or fade away like nothing. But why? When my hand finally touches them I freeze. Tears start streaming down my face but I know I can't stop. I have to keep going and know what they look like. To know if seeing them will suddenly make everything right. I flip them over so there now on there back. There breathtaking. Like a doll. Like... I'm not sure how to put it into words. Just everything. They are like everything. Their lifeless body feels so cold to the touch. My eyes drift over every inch of them. There hands and feet are... are gone. Just stumps...There not there. It's almost as if they never existed but for some reason I know they did. There's no blood. Even though I can see their bones and blood vessels. It's strange... un natural. How can one not have any blood? I start to examine their head and realise that on the top of it theres exposed skull. Not brutally ripped open or anything. It's almost not noticeable unless you were to examine the body. It's like something is just simply missing. like a precise removal of something...Two open holes next to each other on each side. Like... what is it called? The things bulls have? I can't remember but, those. I slowly lay them back down. Still shaken and hurt. But I don't know why I'm even hurt. I feel like I had very strong feelings towards them. Like they and I where close. So very close. It makes me want to scream again. But I stay quiet. I'm sitting next to them. Waiting.
I feel so tired. I decide it's best if I stand up and look around. Not leave cause I don't want to leave just yet. It's not like I have anywhere to go I think. I'm not sure if I do. That's when I notice. My hands.... My feet.... Oh god, oh fuck, what the fuck! What the actual fuck! I might not remember shit but I know damn well that's not normal! There like! Like! Different! Like my hands are... dark black while my arms are white. And my fingers are almost animal like. I flex my hands and claws shoot out of my nails. The sudden action makes me jump with shock. What the fuck, what the fuck!... how is this? Why are my hands like. Like clawed . Like a monster. that word seems so familiar is it... my name? Am I monster? God that's a horrible name! I don't want to be monster! Suddenly I'm on the verge of tears from the overwhelming amount of confusion and negativity. My attention quickly goes back to my hands as the 4 inch claws suddenly retract back into my knuckles. The quick action helps ground me and I can now force back my tears. I need to know what else is like this- to know what else is wrong with me. What about my feet? Feet are like monkey hands so what if they're like this to?! Ok ok breathe! Breatheeee.... God I love air. Ok uhh I uh need my feet claws if I have any that is. (Hopefully not) to work please? Similar claws to the ones in my hand shoot out of my toe knuckles and scratch the floor. Why do I have these? I'll never be able to play soccer again!!! Actually fuck soccer that's too much running. I think they were normal back then though. Man, what the fuck. I go to scratch my head in question but my fingers meet some thing hard instead. What? What's that? I trace my hands along the hard things on my head and feel the start of a panic attack come along so in order to stop that I ignore it. Ok think of something else! Things I hate. Yea I bet thinking of horrible things will make me feel better. I hate not knowing. Right now I know nothing and I hate that so so much. My mind drifts back to what I might look like and I suddenly remember the puddle in the far side of the room. I begin to walk towards the puddle in hopes of building up enough courage to actually look at what happened to me. The sound of sand blowing some how gets my attention. I realise it's coming from the body so my head instantly snaps towards it. Eyes wide I watch as the body glows white. Almost blinding but I cant take my eyes off of it. I run over almost falling face first but catch myself with my hands. Not thinking I reach for the body trying to grab them. The instant my hand reaches them they crumble. There body turns into dust. White glowing dust... fear fills me as they slowly drift of into the wind. The light growing dimmer by the second while they drift off. There gone. Completely gone now. At this I begin to cry again. Tears stream down my face as I silently sob. What am I supposed to do now? They left me! I'm completely alone! It hurts so much and I don't even know why. I want them to come back... I want no I need to know who they are! Who I am! 
The sudden sound of leaves crunching to my right snaps me back. When I look over I see someone standing there. There pointing something at me... I watch for a few more seconds before going to stand. My sudden movement must've startled them cause now there's something in my neck. The world begins to fade out around me and I watch eyes closing as I'm approached by a man in a cowboy hat.
I sleep.

It started at the willow treeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin