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Tubbo POV:

I heard my abnoxious alarm blaring in my ear, but I didn't want to get up and silence it. I knew I eventually had to, but the laziness of just waking up overwhelmed me. I reluctantly leaned up in my cozy bed, blankets falling off of my chest, and reached over to where my phone was located on my nightstand.

"Oh great, another day in Hell." I muttered to myself as I glanced at the time displayed on my bright screen. 6:25. I clicked the alarm so it would turn off, and luckily, it quickly obliged. I sighed before forcing my legs underneath me to a standing position. I felt my legs wobble a bit before actually stabilizing myself.

I strolled over to the wardrobe I had in the corner of my room to choose an outfit for the day. I glanced around after opening the doors. I finally decided upon a nice white t-shirt along with a dark green hoodie over top and some blue jeans that weren't too baggy, but also not too tight. I avoided wearing my own merchandise to school so no one would figure out who I actually was online. Guaranteed, I still looked like the streamer who appears on monitors all over the world, but without wearing anything labeled "Tubbo" it would prevent many suspicions.

I heard a quick buzz from my phone, signaling I had a message. I ignored it for the time being, putting on my clothes I had previously chosen. Once I finished, I sat down at my gaming chair, my monitor remaining black until told otherwise. I didn't feel like getting on at the moment, especially since I still had things to do before leaving for school.

Oh yeah! My phone went off... I rolled the wheelie chair over to where my bed was located and grabbed my phone, seeing the new message from Ranboo, my online friend.

Boober Man 🖤🤍

Boober Man 🖤🤍
Hey, Tubs, sorry if I'm waking
you up, I'm just worried, I'm
going to a new school today.
Read 6:34 am

Sir Tubs A Lot
Hey, big man! Don't worry, you
you didn't wake me, and I'm
sure everything will be okay!
Who wouldn't like you!
Read 6:36 am

Boober Man 🖤🤍
Thanks, Tubs, it helps a lot to
know someone's on my side :)
Read 6:37 am

Sir Tubs A Lot
Of course, King!
Read 6:37 am

Boober Man 🖤🤍
I'm gonna continue to get
ready, I'll talk to you in a bit!
See ya, Tubs
Read 6:38 am

Sir Tubs A Lot
Yeah, so am I, see ya ✌🏻
Read 6:38 am


I smiled to myself, I was glad that he was happy, he was my friend after all. I hope he has a good first day, and I hope he can make friends. I know that they have a hard time socializing most of the time, and I don't want them to be uncomfortable in a new place.

"TOBY!" I heard my younger sister scream from the hallway. I sighed in annoyance, smile disappearing from my face.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT, LANI?" I screamed back at her, not being bothered to stand and open the door to ask.


"ALRIGHT, NOW LEAVE," I told her off, and I heard faint footsteps gliding away from my doorway. I presume that she left back to her room or the kitchen, so I stood and grabbed the comb from atop my dresser. I ran the comb through my hair, trying my best to make it cooperate with the nest of chestnut brown on my head.

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