3. I was always YOURS.

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Context: This is the scene where Meerab comes back to Hyderabad with Maa Begum for Mariam's Rukhsati.

For me, I can never imagine such a horrific scene such as Marital rape could happen, or even Meerab and Murtasim consummate out of anger. As viewers we really wanted it to be beautiful. So here it goes -

Scene - Meerab enters the lawn with Maa Begum, Mariam in between them.

Mariam has a sombre expression on her face. She does not know what her life has in store for her. She has accepted her fate - fell in love with the wrong person. Maybe she is not meant for love. Meerab very much aware of what Marium must be going through - whispers in Marium's ear. "Murtasim has met Naurez a couple of times, he knows him well - I am sure Naurez is a far better guy than we can ever imagine, he will accept you and shower you with love and care"

Mairum looks at Meerab, tears swelling in her eyes, anything would be better than this place - her own home. She was ready to go and be with anyone rather than share the same roof with her Mother and Haya. She was done with their constant jibes. Meerab patted Marium on her back and tilted her head until it lightly touched Marium's.

Meerab looks in front and sees Murtasim standing with his back to her while facing the stage where the groom was patiently waiting with his mother on the sofa. Maa begum nudges Meerab to go talk to Murtasim. Both the women move ahead to the stage, while Meerab halts her stance then looks at Murtasim, as she walks towards him and to her right sees Haya, with a hassled expression. She ignores that, only to turn her attention towards Murtasim and direct her steps to him.

As she reaches him, she is about touch his arm from the back when he exhales "Meerab Kahan ho tum, ye kya ho gaya" only to himself. Meerab stood still, her breath hitched. She could no longer hold herself back. She went and stood next to him while lightly intertwining their palms. Murtasim is startled to feel his palm being held and looks to his right as Meerab says "Meerab yahi hai" as she turns to look at him a pained smile and tears cascading down her cheeks. They continued to be transfixed as if their feet were glued to the floor, their eyes only meant to look at each other.

Just then Ma begum called for both of them, so that they come to greet the bride and groom officially and click some pictures. Their palm in the embrace of each other, not ready to pull apart - they walked together and hesitantly let go of their hands to sit on either side of Mariam and Naurez. They both stole glances while also congratulating the couple as well as facing the cameras.

"Bhabhi it is so good to see you with Bhai, please never leave each other - even if there's a third person wanting to pull you apart. Don't let go off him. He really loves you" Marium held Meerab's hand in hers intently saying all this, as Meerab's eyes shifted between Mariam's and Murtasim's. It almost seemed as though Murtasim heard it all.

The photographers had had enough of pictures but asked Murtasim if a picture could be taken of the Khan and his Khaani. Murtasim did not hesitate he got up and looked to his left holding out his in front of Meerab. Without a second thought, Meerab took his hand and they were headed to the Photo Booth. While the photographer adjusted his camera, the camera screen displayed Meerab and Murtasim intently staring at each other - as the screen zoomed to take their full profile, the photographer clicked a picture to capture the candid moment and asked the couple to now look at the camera, with a shutter sound and flash, pictures were taken.

Meerab searched for his eyes, and took the courage to speak, "Murtasim, it is good to see you" a smile was almost forming but before she could speak further or smile at the thought of now having returned to her husband, their home. Murtasim's words came as a jolt, she did not expect that, or she did but she almost hoped that he would have gone past that now. "Why are you here?" 

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