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Author's pov

After the not so sobering night at the club ,also after getting encouraged by the two idiots, Myungsoo and Tae ho to get over this guy by drinking the whole night.
The three of them had a blackout .

Yeo Ra slowly opened her eyes by the voice of one of the Yeo Ra's maid.

In a sudden astonishment she stood up quickly, keeping her hand over her head because of the hangover.
She looked around to see Tae Ho and Myungsoo hugging each other while they are sound asleep lying over the bed.

She asked the maid ,"Ajumma how did we end up here".
"The driver got you three here, I've been trying to wake you from a very long time", the maid replied.

"I think you should hurry , it's already time for school and I heard your dad and uncle are heading home, he'll be here any minute", the maid said.

She tried waking Myungsoo and Tae ho, "Guys wake up its time for school".
"Just shut up nothing is gonna happen by not going to school one day",both of them whispered in sleep.
"My dad will be home any second", just after hearing that both of them jumped from the couch yelling,"Where is he and what are we doing in your house!".Both of them were being dramatic .

"How are we gonna reach school, or should we bunk a day out",Myungsoo said.

"I would love it but I'm afraid we can't do it . We might get caught",Tae-Ho said.
"The driver isn't here , shall i call one from the agency , we can have our butler drive",the maid said.

"Gwenchana-yoh, we can manage with either Tae Ho or Myungsoo ", Yeo Ra said pointing them out".

Yeo Ra grabbed the keys of her uncle's car throwing it out to Myungsoo as he threw it to Tae Ho .

All of them got in by Tae Ho starting the engine.
Both Yeo Ra and Myungsoo looked at each other scoffing about Tae Ho's driving.

"Yah Kim Tae Ho, people are walking faster than us can't you drive a little fast",Myungsoo shouted at him.

"Shut up! I can't drive when I'm nervous, if you can't bare with it then switch with me", Tae Ho said.

"At this rate we're gonna reach school afternoon, pull over switch seats with me",Yeo Ra spoke.

"Yah are you crazy,
Last time you drove you almost got me hit to another car",Myungsoo said.

"I did not, you were getting scared for no reason", Yeo Ra clarified.

"Do you drive that bad?" , Tae Ho asked as he pulled over .
"Ani, now give me the keys",she said snatching the keys

Tae ho sat back and looked at Myungsoo who warned him,"Brace yourself ".
Yeo Ra pulled up the gear, In a minute a loud squeak was heard . The wheels slid fast on the road, Myungsoo and Tae-Ho found them selves gripping against each other.
"Yah Yeo Ra! Slow down , and you trying to kill us", Myungsoo screamed.

"I'm trying to go slow as possible so we'd reach a bit late is that fine?",she said.
"Have you been watching one of those fast and furious movies lately", Myungsoo spoke again.

In a few minutes Myungsoo and Tae-Ho opened their eyes instead of heaven they found their school.
The three of them ran inside the campus.
"You're not driving next time", Tae-Ho spoke.

They were standing out of the classroom.
"The class has already started what do we do now?", Yeo Ra asked.
"How about we spend time at my tiny warehouse ", Myungsoo suggested.
Ignoring Myungsoo's words,
"Should we just walk in silently ", Yeo Ra added.
"We could do that but being logical Mr Shin's hearing is not so bad and his eyesight they're like a hawk", Tae-Ho replied.

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