The wedding

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Kasai placed a mark on his lips saying that I am now his. He dropped my head to the floor and sat up. I turned my head to face Hiryu wholooked like he was about to die.
"Akuma." I said not turning my head.
"Why did you kick Hiryu? Is it that you're jealous?" I said.
"Yes, I hate him."
"Because he touched you, he loves you, and you love him back."
I looked at Kasai who also looked half dead. "Promise that you'll spare their lives, no matter what happens."
He took a while to respond. "Fine." He stood up. "I'll get the maids and the healer." He left the room.
"You love Sakae?" Kasai struggled to say.
Hiryu didn't respond.
"Looks like we have something in common." When Kasai said that, Hiryu clenched his fist.


Akuma came back with a maid and a healer. After the healer healed everyone, Akuma chained Hiryu to Kasai. He then held the chains by a chain leach and held my wrist. He lead us into the dungeon, there he placed Hiryu and Kasai.
"Have fun you two. Oh and don't bother getting out, this is escape prof. I can't even escape from there. See you guys at the wedding." He held my wrist out of the dungeon.
"You will be sleeping with me tonight." He told me. "No excuses."
"I will do so only if you promise to not do anything funny."
"I won't. It's only going to happen after we get marry."
"Uhh- no." I said acting like I'm not going to kill him before that time.
"I want to have a child. I need one that can take my place after I die or I can kill it."
"Don't talk about that." I said being discussed.
We stopped at a huge door.
"Here is the place where you're going to pick out your dresses. Let me know when you're done." He passed me to the maids that were waiting at the door. Once they opened it, it was like heaven gave me all the dresses in the world.


Hiryu's prospective

"Stop moving!" I yelled at him.
" I need to get the dust-bunny." Kasai said trying to reach 5 feet away from his fingers.
"It's not an actual bunny."
"Just sit down and meditate!" I pulled him back to his seating position.
"This is why I hate you." He said crossing his arms like a little kid.
I went back to meditating. He didn't, he just focused on the stupid bunny. He then lost his patients and went to reach for it.
"What the heck?" I yelled at him.
He laughed, "I'm trying to piss you off. It looks like it worked."
I felt a vain pop out of my head and I just shut my eyes.


Sakae's prospective

I couldn't pick one dress, I mean, even though it's not a actual wedding, I still want to keep a dress.
A maid in all black and red hair asked me a question, let's call her Asa. "It's almost time to rest, my princess."
"I'm not a princess and don't rush me." I didn't mean to sound mean, but I was in the moment.
"S-sorry." She bowed down. "I will call you by your name, Sakae."
"That's more like it." I said flipping through the dresses. I finally picked out 20 dresses that looked good on me. I asked the maids for help.
"I think number 13 looks good on you. It's strapless, knee high, and bedazzled at the chest area." Said Asa.
"Oh but I really like number 6. It's also strapless but it has a tail and it's ankle length." A maid dress in all black with white hair and red eyes pointed out, I'll call her Momo.
"You're both wrong. The prince likes a sexy woman-"
"Uh, I'll stop you right there, be aware that I want to not look like a girl going to the strip club." I said to a maid with red pink tails, I'll call her Miki.
"Okay then, I'll go with 13." She said.
"Me, too." Said another.
"Nah, how about this one, number 10." A maid with short red hair, I'll call her Tsumi, gave me one of the dress I picked out , "This one fits every curve. It's strapless, has a bedazzled top, a bow on the back to make the center tight, then a smooth and silky bottom, and it ends at the bottom of her knees." Her statement made everyone agree to the tenth dress.
I love it , too. The only thing I don't want is to get blood on it.


The next day, the wedding was about to start. I'm all set with a dagger in the bouquet of flowers that I will be holding.
The wedding was taking place in the outside garden. Since it's Fall, the bright red leaves were beautiful.
The music began to start. Bum bum da dum. Bum bum da dum.
I saw Kasai and Hiryu sitting at the front row. There was about 40 maids there. I started to walk down the aisle towards Akuma who was in a black and red tuxedo. Ugh!
I held the flowers. I slowly walked. I heard gasping and awing. I even heard Kasai say "Damn, she's hot." Followed by Hiryu smacking him on the head.
I stood in front of Akuma.
The man who was reading the book of marriage, started off, "we are gathered here today to celebrate the wedding of Prince Akuma and Princess Sakae...(then more talking was done). Do you, Sakae, take this prince as you husband?"
"I-" I took the dagger out. "I don't. Die stupid!" I threw it at Akuma, he just caught it with his right hand and threw it at the ground.
All of the maids gasped and Kasai was about to scream, but Hiryu covered his mouth. "Are you that dull that you didn't think I knew that you might kill me?" He laughed and took my arm. He pushed me onto the floor and went on top of me, just inches above my face.
"And I do take you as my princess for eternity." He kissed me, I think. No, he didn't, I know he didn't. I opened my eyes and found him off of me. Someone tackled him. Who was it?
I sat up to see who it was. When I did, all I saw was a dog biting his butt off.
Tears filled my eyes."Kai?!"

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