Akuma's Castle

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Kasai and I trained very hard and today is the day that we go save my family. It has been 6 days since I've seen Hiryu. I hope he dies for not coming to find me. Maybe he did came to get me, but something went wrong on the way. Forget what I said about how I hope he dies, I wish he could just come to see me.
Anyways, me and Kasai packed swords called tantō, odachi, tachi, kodachi, and Wakizashi.
Keep in mind that :

Tantō: means dagger in Japanese
Odachi: is the longest Japanese sword (a bigger Tachi)
Tachi: means long sword in Japanese. It is much more curvier then a Odachi.
Kodachi: a bit larger than a dagger
Wakizashi: means companion sword in Japanese. It is a bit larger than a Kodachi.

Yeah the swords are large but it won't be as large in our 2nd forms. I put the tachi on my right side and my tantō in the sleeve of my sweater. I also took the kodachi and hid it in my sweater hoodie. Kasai took the Odachi and the Wakizashi. We didn't take any armor because according to Kasai, that's only the weak and for people who can't fight.
On our way to the castle, I asked Kasai about his son.
"What is your son's name?" I asked him .
"Akuma." He said with a straight face.
Akuma means devil or demon in Japanese. "Okay.... Why are we carrying harsh weaponry?"
He looked at me with a smile, " To kill him, of course."
"Kill him? Why would you want to do that?"
"Because he's 100% evil, that's why. He even killed his own mother and wants to rule the world. He feeds on the life of dying little children."
"Oh wow. He is evil." When he said little children, I thought about my sister, Xuki.
"Yeah. He almost killed me but I showed him who's dominant by beating him half to death. If he kills me, then he will become king. If I killed him, that means that I have to make a new son. He's my first son and he killed my Queen, I call her Ureshī. So I want him dead. Oh, and it's also tradition."
"How was Ureshī like?"
He sighed. "She was just like you, sweet, beautiful, strong, and caring. She was a demon, but not as evil as how a demon is supposed to be."
No wonder why he loves me, I remind him of Ureshī.
An hour later, we've finally arrived at Akuma's castle. There were guards at the entrance.
"Halt! Who wishes to see the prince?" Said the guard on the right.
Kasai came out from behind me. "I wish to see my son. Open this door immediately, tell him that me and Sakae has come to kill him."
The guards quickly opened the door. "Yes sir!" One of the guards ran inside to tell Akuma the message. We slowly walked behind him.
After a while, we lost him. "Ugh, where did he go?" Kasai said.
"Didn't he went left?" I said referring to the three paths.
"Nah, I'm pretty sure he went straight ahead." He pointed towards the other direction.
"Maybe I go left and you go straight ahead. We are bound to meet the prince if we get lost, am I right?"
"Yeah. Okay. Don't get hurt out there, be careful." He went straight and I ran left.

Hiryu's pov

I heard footsteps outside of the dungeon "Sir! Sir! The King has arrived with a young madden. He said he and Sakae wishes to kill you."
Sakae! I wanted to scream but nothing came out.
"Sakae and my father you say?" He laughed, "If they ask for a battle, let us fight in my throne room. Make sure after the fight, clean my father's blood from the floor."
"Yes sir!"
"Oh and bring out the dragon, Shi, if he isn't dead already." I heard footsteps leading to my location then the door opened.
The man opened my cell door and in chained me to the floor. He carried me and placed me next to the king.
"Oh how wonderful, he's still alive." He looked down at me.
"Ugh, he's a mess. There's no point of taking him a bath if he's going to die soon. Guard, chain him to this floor please."
"Sir, yes sir!" He did so.
"Now leave, before I get too excited and kill you, too." The guard bowed and then left.
I rubbed my stomach. It's been empty for the past 3 days. He has stopped feeding me because he decided that if Sakae doesn't come, he would give my dead body to the Dragon King and collect the reward.
"What you're going to do with Sakae?" I asked him.
"I'm going to make her as my princess. Since my father has come here as his death wish, I will become king and Sakae will become queen. Her powers will become mine after marriage making me powerful and able to rule the planet."
"What about her family?"
"I could trade their lives for Sakae or just kill them if Sakae just wishes to marry me."
"Why would she marry someone like you? Your pure evil."
"Shut up! You don't want to die early, do you?" He scolded.
I didn't answer.
We sat there in silence for a while. I then herd foot steps running towards the throne room.
"Welcome, my princess." He said.
Tears started to fill her eyes when she saw me.
"Hiryu!" She ran towards me and gave me a hug and a kiss on the lips. Her soft lips stayed on mine for what seemed for decades.
"What happened to you? I miss you so much!" She let go of me.
"I went out to look for you and got shot in the arm by fairies. They took me to Akuma and he cut me on the cheek. I haven't eaten for days. The only thing that helped me stay alive was thinking about you."
"I'll get you free after I take Akuma down." She stood up and transfomed into this huge woman.
Akuma stood up as well. "Ah, you already know how to transform. But I don't want to kill you, I want to kill my father."
"Where's my parents?" Sakae took out her tachi sword.
He made an evil smile that scared the living hell out of me."They are alive, but I'm willing to free them if you marry me."


Sorry for the late release guys but I had a busy week. Please comment and vote because it took me a long time just to release this chapter. Also, please read my fanfic, you could see it when you visit my profile.
Its probably mid Sunday in Japan so the chapters are released around that day if you live near Japan. This goes out to the English countries such as Australia and the UK.
I'm very tired so goodnight.

Have a beautiful Sunday,

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