Swimming contest

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I woke up doing the same thing as yesterday; maids doing my makeup, Kasai eating breakfast alone with me, being forced to train, and faint after I transformed back into a human.
Three days later, I was able to transform back and forth without fainting. Kasai told me by tomorrow, we are going to save my family.
"How will they recognize me at this age?" I sat on the floor, tired from training.
"I know they will know it's you." He also collapsed on the floor.
"Do you want to play a game?"
"Okay, what game?"
I forced myself to stand up. "Follow me."
I led him outside. "We are going to have a swimming race in this lake at 4:00 which is an hour from now. One of the maids are going to place 2 prizes at the end of this 40 feet pond. Red for you and purple for me. Who ever gets their prize across first and safety gets to keep it."
"Okay, meet you in an hour."

❣✯ An hour later ✯❣

He was waiting at the lake, just looking at his watch.
"I'm here," I said panting with my hands on my knees, "sorry."
"It's okay, Sakae." He looked at my bathing suit, "How come you're not wearing a two peace?"
I obviously have a reason knowing how dirty is Kasai's mind. "Because I'm not."
"I thought I gave you a two piece bathing suit 45 minutes ago, I really wanted to see you in it."
I started to get mad at him for playing games with me. "That bathing suit was white and small so when I get out of the water it's like seeing me naked!"
"I was joking, calm down. You take things too seriously." He walked to the dock. "Are we going to swim or not?"
I stood next to him and got ready in my diving position.
"On your mark, get set, and go!" As soon as the maid pulled the trigger on the gun, I leapt for the water.
Kasai was already ahead of me. I pulled him down by dragging his left leg down.
As soon as I got my prize box,I held it in my hands. I turned around and swam, by only kicking my legs.
"Hey! You cheated!" Kasai yelled as soon as he got to his prize.
"I never said you can't," I said as I kept paddling.
"Oh really?" He grew his wings, held the box, and flew across very quick with his body still in the water.
"I won!" He did a little victory dance and started to unwrap his box.
As soon as I got across, I saw that his prize was a bouquet of flowers with a note on it.
"What's that?" I pointed at the note.
"It reads:
Dear Kasai,
I've been with you for a while and I have been attracted to you ever since I've met you. You are always kind and nice to me and you consider me as a friend. I want to be more than friends. Will you be my date to National Japanese Day Festival?
By, unanimous. " he looked at me then smiled. "This wasn't you, right?"
I shook my head. "No."
He walked towards his towel and placed it over his head to block the sun.
"It's a shame that this person hasn't placed their name on the paper. I have no time to play games just to see who it is and turn her down." He crushed the pay and toss it aside.
I stood there motionless as he walked towards me. "Let's go, you look like you're about to cry." He said that seriously.


I laid in bed staring at the ceiling and thinking about the unanimous note. I wondered what was he thinking and why did he got serious after that.
The door opened and shone light through the room.
"Sakae?" Kasai was standing at the door.
I sat up."Yeah? What's up?"
He opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't say anything. I guess he changed his mind and said, "nothing-I'm just checking on you to see if you were sleeping. Goodnight then." He didn't smile until he said good night.
"Goodnight, Kasai." He slowly shut the door.
Is he upset that I really didn't ask him to the National Japanese Day Festival?

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