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A knight came running in the room. "Your majesty! I beg of you to not fight the prince. Let us fight him instead." He bowed his head in front of Kasai.
"I am grateful for your concern but a king must fight his own battles."
"Sorry to bother you my lord," he bowed once again and exited the room.
He turned around to look at me "Yes, Sakae?"
"I was wondering lately and I wanted to ask you something." Embarrassed by the following question, my cheeks started to turn bright red.
"What is it? You can ask me anything." He sat next to me on the bed.
"Does demons love the taste of blood on their tongues?"
"To be honest, it's hard for us to not take a lick, or even a taste of blood, every day. I've tried to stop, but blood is like a drug to us, it makes us powerful."
"Where do you get blood from? Or may I say who do you get it from?"
"Any major creature. Most demons prefer human blood." He wiped away his drool from his bottom lip.
I felt like throwing up. "Do you have to kill the creatures afterwards?"
"You dont have to. If you scratch, bite, or use enough acid to make them bleed. If you use a weapon then you don't have to if you want to."
I should've never asked him. I've kept asking him questions and questions. The more he answered the more I got scared of him or afraid.
"What's wrong, Sakae?"
"No- nothing..."
He pulled my head onto his shoulder and hugged me. "I wouldn't do that to you. You're a sweet, kind, and lovely girl. I would never hurt the woman I truly love." He kissed my cheek.
I'm the woman he truly loves? I replayed that thought over and over in my head, wondering if he really loves me.
"You're cute when you're blushing," he softly laughed and poked my right cheek.
"Stop making me confused!" I wined.
"What do you mean? You have feelings for someone?"
"It's complicated."
"Who is he?"
"Listen, Kasai, I love both you and someone else."
"You do? It's Hiryu isn't it."
I replied with a nod. He threw his head back into the pillow.
"What happens if I... Never mind, forget it."
"No, no, no, tell me."
"What if I only like you? Not saying that I do, but I'm just asking."
"I will marry you and stay with you forever. Tell you everyday that I love you, drown you with kisses, and devour-"
"Okay, I get the point. But I won't stay alive forever. I'm mortal."
"Let's not think about that now, maybe you should get some rest, it's almost 9:00pm."
"You're right, goodnight Kasai." I covered myself with the bed sheets. I tried to close my eyes but I couldn't fall asleep. Before Kasai left the room, I called him over.
"Can't sleep, Sakae?"
"Nope, can you tell me a story?"
He lied next to me on my bed.
"Okay. There was once a Princess who asked for everything. One day she wished for joy and gold and a rose appeared before her.
The princess witness a petal fall and turned into gold. With this gold, she said, I will buy a new kimono. A mother petal fell the next day and the gold doubled each day. The princess bought a new castle, new wagons, new knights. She wasn't feeling happy with her life. She wanted to buy happiness but it was impossible. Realizing her faith, she decided to live in poverty. Her wish of joy has been granted. The end."He kissed my forehead, "Sweet dreams."
He turned off the lights and left my room as I slowly closed my eyes.

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