Chapter 7

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    I've been checking my email the past few days. I haven't gotten back anything from any of the places I applied at.

     There were a few places, around four or five I applied to. And none of them got back to me with anything. I still checked my email every morning when I wake up and every night before I sleep. 

     When I say my email, I mean it's Pavitr's, because my email didn't work. I tested it before trying to log into my social medias. I guess it makes sense that the internet doesn't work the same in every universe. I wouldn't expect it to. 

     Pavitr wasn't here. He didn't have school today but he said he had 'other stuff to do', which I assume was Spiderman stuff. 

     The only thing that was able to be heard was the clacking of the keys of the laptop keyboard. I had gone down a rabbit whole of searching for what movies, music and media in general, the comparisons and contrasts in the media in this universe and my universe. 

     Every few minutes I was checking the email. I clicked back into the email like I have been the past hour I've been on the laptop. 

     But instead of being the same emails, there was a new one this time. One in bold, and unread. I straightened up in my seat at the sight of it, my chest filling with hope. 

     I gasped in delight upon opening it. It was the western style restaurant I applied at. The email said that I was approved of the job and can start working there from next week.

     I had a grin on my face. I was happy. I wasn't even going to be on the job for that long but it still felt like an amazing accomplishment.

      I bounced in my seat, feet stamping lightly on the floor in elation. I couldn't even tell anyone, not until Pavitr came home.

      So I shall wait.


     Around half an hour later, Pavitr finally came back. As soon as I heard the door unlock, I was out of my seat and standing in front of the door.

     The door opened and Pavitr walled in, but stopped in his tracks upon seeing my giddy grin and energetic stance.

      "Hello?" He greeted as if he was asking what was up. My grin didn't falter.

      "Guess what I've got." I said with a cheeky smile. He put his hand on his hip and gave me an amused smile.

      "I don't know, what have you got?" He asked me.

      "A job!" I announced as I shot my arms up in the air. 

     Pavitr's face lit up at my words, and now suddenly he's matching my energy. He's got a toothy grin on his face.

     "Y/N! Wow! That's amazing! We have to celebrate." Pavitr exclaimed bouncing on the spot.

     "Celebrate? It's only a small job it's nothing to celebrate about." I said. Pavitr scoffs and waves his hand as to brush my disregard away.

     "Any achievement is an achievement. Let's go get sweets!" He declared as he yanked the door open again and skipped out cheerfully to head towards the sweet store.

      I laughed, but didn't argue and followed him. I was starting to think his idea of celebrating my success was an excuse for him to go out and get sweets.

Saffron, Cardamom & Jasmine Flowers - Pavitr P. ♡ ReaderDär berättelser lever. Upptäck nu