Chapter 6

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     Hobie kept his word, he did in fact come the next day.

     He got me a watch, but not the sort of watch I recognized from the movies. It was smaller, and could pass as a normal watch at first glance. It had the same colour scheme as the watches from the movie, silver wristband and orange clock. He did say it was going to be a 'simple watch'. 

     He also mentioned how he had been working on this for a while. Experimenting on watches to try and perfectly replicate a gizmo. He claims he's getting close.

     Hobie said it would stop the glitching, and notify me of anomalies and canon events. So when Pavitr leaves to deal with an anomaly or canon event issue, I would know. I wouldn't be able to talk or travel with it though. It also wouldn't make the beeping noise.

     I quietly thanked him when he discretely passed it over to me, so Pavitr wouldn't hear. Hobie leaned down and whispered to me.

     "I'm going to tell him I've dealt with the anomaly now. Pretend you aren't listening or something." He muttered under his breath.

     I gave him a small thumbs up and a smile. Pavitr fake cleared his throat, which made the both of us turn our heads towards him.

     "What secret are you leaving me out of." He jokingly pouted and put his hands on his hips. I chuckled as did Hobie as he strolled over to him and put his arm around his shoulders. 

     "I'll tell you now, mate." Hobie said as he leaded him over to the other end of the room. I decided to sit at the desk and open Pavitr laptop. I opened YouTube on the laptop and started watching my favourite YouTuber.

     "I took care of the anomaly." Hobie whispered to Pavitr. Technically he wasn't lying, but he wasn't elaborating how he took care of the anomaly.  Pavitr's face automatically lit up at this information. 

     "Really? You did?" He exclaimed before glancing at his roommate and covering his mouth with the tips of his fingers, realizing he said that a little too loud for comfort. He leans in a little closer to Hobie so they can talk a little more privately. 

     "For now." Hobie admitted. "You won't have to worry about it for a bit."

     "A bit!? What does that mean!?" Pavitr whisper-shouted. Hobie raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips.

     "It- You'll find out eventually. Don't worry about it." He responded nonchalantly. 

     Pavitr had a confused expression on his face. He opened his mouth to dump more questions on Hobie that he wouldn't have been able to answer truthfully.

     "So- uh- about Y/N." Hobie quickly said before Pavitr could say anything. Pavitr closed his mouth at the mention of her. He glanced back to the girl who was smiling at the video she was watching, playing from the laptop at a low volume.

     "You should take her out." Hobie told him. Pavitr looked back at him with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. Hobie backtracked his wording. "Not like, out on a date. Like, just a day out as a friend, maybe."

     "Why?" Pavitr asked, his cheeks and tips of his ears starting to tint pink.

     "To show her around, get to know her maybe." Hobie suggested as he leaned on Pavitr, putting his elbow on his head. Their height difference let him do that.

     "But I already did that." Pavitr said.

     "Yeah, as Spiderman. You haven't got to know her much as Pav yet." Hobie said in response. 

Saffron, Cardamom & Jasmine Flowers - Pavitr P. ♡ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now