Chapter 2

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I just noticed all the spelling mistakes in the last chapter
they've been fixed :)


     "Where can I find Spiderman?"

     I was on my feet now, asking this man for information on Spiderman. He smiles at me warmly and gestures to the sky.

     "He's always swinging around! Never know where he is. But you'll always see him. Everyone in Mumbattan has probably got the chance to see him." He rambles on.

     "So uh, where can I find him now?" I ask, a bit impatient at this point.

     "Oh he likes mingling with the people. Just look around, you'll find him somewhere." The man says cheerfully.

     Great, that's very helpful.

     I was about to head on my way on an aimless journey to find Spiderman, the man pointed to something behind me. Or rather, someone.

     "Oh look, there he is now!" He exclaims in excitement. I turn around and look back. Lo and behold, he was not lying. There he was, swinging between buildings, the one and only Indian Spiderman. 

     The man cheerfully waved at Spiderman, and somehow he must've saw the waving man because he changed his course of swinging and turned to start swinging towards us. Maybe it was his Spidey sense. It was probably his Spider sense. 

     He skilfully manoeuvred himself towards us with his amazing aerobatic skills. He landed in front of us on his two feet and looked at us expectantly. Before I could say anything, the man decided to explain for me.

     "Spiderman sir! This young woman is lost. Can you help her?" He asked him.

     Spiderman looked at me and firmly nodded with a smile. I could tell he was smiling by the way the eye part of his mask creased upwards.

     "Of course! Where do you need to go ma'am?" His voice seemed a little lower than I expected it to sound. But then again, I suppose the Spider People do change their voice while they're Spider People to conceal their identity.

     "I need to-" I stop myself. Do I need to go home? If I tell him I'm from another universe, he'd have to send me back, wouldn't he? As much as going home would be great, I'd miss the opportunity to stay in this fictional world. It's anyone's dream to travel to a fictional dimension. 

     "I need somewhere to stay." I decide. There were a lot of factors I should've considered before making this decision, but I said what I said, and it'd be a bit awkward to talk it back now.

     Spiderman tilts his head then straightens it with a smile. "Oh I see! Do you want a hotel, or something permanent?"

     "Uh, something permanent. Well, no, temporary, but not like a hotel. Because I don't have money." I explained. I was starting to see the flaws in my idea.

     He furrowed his eyebrows. Well, the eyebrow part of his mask creased so I assume that's what he did. 

     "Okay, so is this like a college thing? Because you can stay in a hostel and share a room with someone if you'd like." He suggested. He must have decided not to pry any further, either giving up with me or not understanding half the things I was trying to get across.

Saffron, Cardamom & Jasmine Flowers - Pavitr P. ♡ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now