Chapter 1

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Hi, wow, fanfic

im indian (tamil) so, a lot of india's setting will have tamil influence
Pavitr is part Tamil for this reason lol

enjoy :)


     Am I dead? 


     No I'm not. 

     Because I can feel everything. I can feel my insides being churned inside out. I can feel my head about to explode. I can feel the stinging on my arms, legs and hip from where I rolled and  knocked into the concrete wall. I can see the world spinning.

     Squeezing my eyes shut as I tried to lean on my hand to prop myself on the wall. I manage to sit against the wall I hit. I wince before letting out a relaxing breath. 

     I open my eyes and blink a few times so the world would stop spinning. It was only after I regained my sight I realized the world that was spinning was not my world. 

     At least, I don't think it is. Though I do recognize it immediately. 

     I'm in India. 

     The style of apartments, the clothes being put out to dry on lines between apartments and the spices being left to dry in the sun on the terraces all said so. And the deal-breaker being the unmissable Zomato advertisement on the billboard in the distance. I'd be surprised if where I was wasn't India. 

     But why was I here? I closed my eyes and leaned my head back on the wall, recalling on what happened. 

     I was in my room, listening to the music softly playing from my iPad and trying to draw my favourite characters from 'Spiderman: Across the Spiderverse'. I watched the movie the day before and I enjoyed it. I smile to myself as I doodle Spiderman India, Pavitr Prabhakar. He was my favourite character in the movie, I really liked his character. 

     As my pencil scratched on the paper, a buzzing sound started to be heard. I didn't think much of it at first, I thought it was coming from my music. But as it started getting louder, I looked up at my iPad to check what was happening, only for my eyes to widen and my heart rate to quicken in panic. 

     It had started floating. 

     I stood up and reached for it, dragged it down and paused the music. That's when I noticed several thing things in my room started floating around.

     When I looked over to my bed my jaw dropped. There was a glowing void-like colourful thing hovering over my bed on the ceiling. I put my Pad down and slowly walked towards it. I craned my head up to see a warm-coloured amalgamation of shapes and colours.

     Before I could process it or do anything else, a gravitational-like pull dragged me into it. A shriek escaped my mouth, and I kept screaming as I was being pulled along through some tunnel so fast, making twists and turns constantly. It felt like an unsafe rollercoaster. My eyes were tightly shut during the entire ride.

     But as soon as it started, it ended. I felt gravity revert back to normal. I tried opening my eyes only to yell again as I got launched across a terrace. I felt pain everytime I hit the floor as I rolled along and eventually hit a wall with a thud. I groaned in pain as I lay on the floor. 

    I rubbed my head now, recalling these events. I put my hand on top of the short wall and hoisted myself up to stand up. I tried stretching only to ultimately fail as I winced in pain. 

Saffron, Cardamom & Jasmine Flowers - Pavitr P. ♡ ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now