Girl: You idiot could you not walk with your eyes open. Oh, this lame man again and what are you blind is it ?

Nithya gritted her teeth and slapped her making her fall on the sand again.

Nithya: Bitches are not welcome to public places if you couldn't shut your bitchy mouth. Watch your words next time when you speak to someone. Get your ass and fuck off from here before I dump another ice cream on you. Don't mess with me.

Pranav looked at her in awe and controlled his smile though he was riling up because of the girl. Nithya watched the girl running and laughed turning towards Pranav. 

Nithya: Ok Mr. Pranav, will see you later. I need to get back home.

Pranav stopped her and exchanged their numbers before she left there. He returned home and saw the maid packing his stuffs for his travel to London.


Shylaja was pacing in the living and Raghini's parents were also seated with a worried face. Ravi reached the dining and started filling his plate to have dinner. Shylaja lost patience and started screaming at him.

Shylaja: Ravi, how are you so cool ? Our son is in hospital, you have stopped me from going to him and Raghini is missing from the time she left the wedding venue. We are all stressed that she might hurt herself after what happened in the morning but you don't give a shit about anything and enjoying your food ?

Ravi: You can stop worrying about my son and I m here to do that. Raghini is not a fool and as far as I know she has most of your qualities so she can hurt anyone but her. Why should I starve when I know she will return fit and fine. You people know nothing than exaggerating things.

Shylaja: what do you mean by we are exaggearting ? Goutham refused to marry her and up on that he threatened us all, he scared us.

Ravi: Correct your words Shylaja. Chandru ditched her and Goutham has nothing to do in this. He made his stand very clear that he will marry only the girl he is in love so why can't you accept that ?

Shylaja: How do you expect me to accept someone who is older than him ?

Ravi: He has proved his love to you and waited bloody 5 years and he is still handling you with patience because he love you and care for you. I will be a fool if I keep talking to you so go to hell with your thoughts and plans. Leave my son and let him live his life. I won't be the same forver to bear all your nonsense. If I have to throw you from my life for my son's happiness then I won't think twice. Choice is yours.

Shylaja stood stunned hearing his words and saw him walking washing his hands without eating. She heard Raghini's mother shriek and rushed to the living and got shocked to see Raghini standing a mess.

Raghini's mother: Raghini what happened ?

Raghini: Today is the worst day of my life. I was ditched at my wedding then when I wanted to get some fresh air by the beach a lame rogue and bitch spoiled my mood further and made fun of me. Worst part is I couldn't do anything to the bitch and that idiot.

Shylaja: Raghini get cleaned and have dinner. We will rest for the day and talk in the morning.

Raghini: Yeah, I m so happy that I would just slip into a slumber as soon as I hit the bed.

Shylaja: Not everytime things go wrong. Just go and do as I say.

Raghini's mother: Shylu, we will leave to our home in the morning and Raghini will come with us.

Raghini's father: We don't want her to get humiliated further staying here.

Shylaja: We all are emotionally down so its better we don't take any decision right now. See you all in the morning.

The next morning Mithra got ready and reached the hall where her parents were waiting for her to have breakfast. She ruffled Vinay's hair and settled next to him.

Mithra: Maa, Appa rendu naal kalichu naa official meeting kaga London poren. ( Mom, dad, I m leaving to London in two days for an official meeting)

Kavitha: ennadhu London ah ? Yedho Mylapore pore madhiri solre ? ( What London ? You say as if you are going to Mylapore ?)

Raghuvaran: How can we send you out of country ?

Mithra: Appa, I m not going alone. Its a team and our boss will be accompanying us. First of all I m not still a 16 year old. I m 30 and work as an Executive head of a reputed company. Please treat me like an adult and give me little freedom.

Kavitha: We are middle class family Mithra and we do have to live with some restrictions. We are not royal family to care less about the society.

Mithra: We have an audi parked infront of our home. Do you still think we are a middle class family ? And by freedom I m not speaking about going carefree and having fun. You should know me better in all these years. I have never asked you anything and now when I m growing in career I need the freedom to explore the future.

Raghuvaran: You may go Mithra.

Mithra: Thank you appa. I m sorry maa if I hurt you.

Kavitha: We are worried about your future Mithra. We don't want anyone pointing fingers on you. We want to get you married and you are our pride.

Mithra did not speak further and just hummed leaving the home. Goutham reached his office and waited for Mithra to arrive. Meanwhile Rehman entered the room.

Goutham: Did you or Bala find him ?

Rehman: not yet. Bala is doing his job to get to him. I hope we should be able to get some news at the earliest.

Goutham: Where did he fucking go after creating all this mess ?

Rehman: We will find him but why did you pull that stunt yesterday ?

Goutham: Ohh, that I knew my mother will do something so I was prepared anyway, even if that was marrying Mithra that is why I got her ready as bride. When my mother took the game of blackmail I had to do my play. So I did what I should I have done.

Rehman: Good the cut was not deep.

Goutham: Come on I knew what I m doing so how could the cut go deep ? I also knew the outcome of that stunt, my mother will not force me now but I didnot expect Mithra wanting to get us married so either way the stunt did end positive for me. We are so happy now.

Rehman: I m happy too and I have arranged everything you have asked for.

Goutham: Thank you, take care of the office in our absence.

Rehman: I will do.

Once Rehman left the room Goutham returned to his seat and started to work also eagerly waiting for Mithra to arrive.



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