1 - Daily Routine

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Izuku's POV: (Middle School)

''When will this end? When will this pain go away? It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hur-''

Izuku jolts awake as his alarm clock starts blaring in his ears. He groans and stifles a yawn, getting up for the day. His messy hair is sticking up to one side as he blinks the sleepiness out of his eyes.

Izuku brushes his teeth, staring at himself in the mirror. The scars and burns from yesterday's bullying session is still outlined in his reflection. Izuku sighs heavily and changes his bandages, before getting changed for school.

Downstairs, his mother Inko, smiles brightly at him. ''Hi honey! I'm going to be working until late, so I'm leaving dinner in the fridge!'' Izuku gives his mom a weary smile. ''Thanks mom...I'll make sure to finish it...'' Inko smiles and ruffles Izuku's messy green hair. ''Have a good day! I love you, okay?'' Izuku forces a bigger smile. ''Love you too mom.''

Izuku makes his way to the shoe rack, slipping on his usual red shoes before making his way to the door, stepping into the cold soft breeze with a sigh. He starts trudging down his usual path with long, heavy steps, keeping his gaze down as he braces for the dreaded words.

''Oi! Quirkless freak!''

Izuku grimaces, walking slightly faster.


Izuku yelps as a hand grabs his hair and pulls him back, bringing him eye to eye with a deep red glare and spiky blonde hair.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you.''

Izuku takes a few deep breaths to calm down his trembling body, before looking up, flinching slightly at the intense gaze.

''What do you want, Kacchan?'' 

Bakugo POV: (Middle School)



Bakugo gets startled, throwing the alarm clock across the room. He sits up straight, blushing heavily as he takes multiple deep breaths to calm his rushing heart and tingly nerves.

''What the hell...?'' 

Bakugo mumbles to himself, still blushing. He shakes his head, getting up for the day. 

"No way...I can't be...Nope, it must be nothing."

Bakugo pushes that weird dream to the back of his mind, trying not to linger his thoughts on it.

"I don't have...I must be going insane...!"

Bakugo lets out a frustrated groan as he grips onto the bathroom sink, staring at himself in the mirror. His dishevelled hair sticking out in places as his face is as red as a tomato.

"Did I really have a dirty dream...about that quirkless freak?!"

Bakugo's hand steams up as he punches the wall.

"Forget about it, forget about it, forget about it."

Bakugo mutters like a mantra, going along with his daily routine. He stumbles downstairs, reading the note his mom left him.

Hey brat. I have a meeting. I'll be back late. Dinner's in the fridge. Don't blow up the house. Love, your mom.

Bakugo grunts, putting on his shoes as he walks out the front door, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he starts to make his way to school.Suddenly, he sees a familiar green tuft of hair. The dream he's been trying so hard to ignore resurfaces in his mind, and boiling hot anger flares up inside him.

"Stupid Deku, making me feel all weird."

Bakugo mutters to himselfas he stomps his way over to Izuku.

"Oi! Quirkless freak!"

Bakugo shouts, trying to get Izuku's attention. When Izuku walks faster, Bakugo's mind fills with rage.


Bakugo shouts, and before he knew it, his hand reaches out and pulls Izuku's hair back harshly.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you."

Bakugo spits, his anger slowly subsiding.

"What do you want, Kacchan?"

Bakugo purses his lips in thought


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⏰ Last updated: May 26 ⏰

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