"This interview isn't about us." Hongjoong snapped shockingly, barely able to believe what he was hearing.

"It's about the new album. The second album of the series. Nothing else."

Hongjoong could hear the room go deathly silent behind him, even the stylists stopping to watch, but Hongjoong couldn't have cared less in that moment.

Didn't even budge when Seonghwa came up beside him, towering over Hongjoong like some sort of angel, delicate features unnaturally intolerant.

"I think our company made that fairly clear to you." Seonghwa reminded him stubbornly, sharing a weary glance with Hongjoong.

The man blanched, stepping back.

"You're absolutely right. My apologies." He turned around and walked off calmly, the set of his shoulders still impeccably straight, the conversation leaving no impact on him.

"You'd think a Korean interviewer who came all this way to see us in the middle of touring would know better." Seonghwa made a disapproving face, shaking his head as he helped their manager close the door.

He tried to make his way back to Hongjoong afterward, lips deeply pouted with sympathy, but Hongjoong was already across the room.

"People are fucking crazy." He murmured to himself, willing the heat that had sunk into his skin to dissipate.

"You alright?" Mingi asked as Hongjoong passed him, a sharp eyebrow raised through the mirror.

"Fine. Just ready to get this shit over with." Hongjoong met his gaze tensely, acknowledging his concern, but he turned away quickly, moving to stand beside San who hadn't stopped trying to get Hongjoong's attention since he'd gone to speak with the interviewer.

San grabbed lightly at Hongjoong's suit collar, frowning as he smoothed his hands over the fabric.

"Seonghwa, Wooyoung, or Jongho will deal with most of the questions out there. Don't worry about it, okay?"

Hongjoong was worrying about it.

He was worrying about it for San's sake, but he forced out a sigh that he hoped was believable and pulled the younger closer, squeezing his waist.

"Okay, Sannie." He said, and San's smile was even prettier with the layer of gloss that had been put on his lips, the shape of his mouth undeniably tempting.

When it was finally time to start the interview, each of them settling into a collision of chairs, Hongjoong was tempted to grab San by the hand and steer him into the seat beside him just for the hell of it, just because the interviewer probably would have lost his shit, but he quickly decided against it when he saw the way Seonghwa greeted the man with forced politeness, encouraging the others to follow along.

Hongjoong tried his hardest not to look the man in the eye as they shook hands.

The interview started relatively smoothly, the questions varying from their experiences on tour to interactions with fans, and while Wooyoung or Hongjoong usually took initiative during interviews, it wasn't long before the rest of the members felt comfortable enough to give their own answers confidently.

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