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Wooyoung had always told Hongjoong that he was a disastrous song writer, working with an intensity that made him sharp and hasty and entirely too quick to scrap everything at the last minute, completely unsatisfied.

Hongjoong had never really let the comment bother him.

In fact, he'd never given it much thought, but now he was definitely considering Wooyoung's point.

He had somehow found himself sprawled across Seonghwa's hotel bed with a crease in his brow and an annoyance flooding his skin, heart pounding as he typed lyrics out into his phone with weary fingers, bottom lip trapped between his teeth.

The day is over again
Tomorrow I'm going to get deeper with you
Even those strange times
Canbecalled memories

He had been working on the same verse for almost two weeks now, every flow of words feeling wrong, and Hongjoong couldn't remember the last time he had felt this incapable while writing a song.

It was a bitter kind of sobering to find that the one thing he found solace in had become a task he couldn't complete, an unrelenting pressure in the back of his head that he couldn't press into keys or scream into a microphone, because what he was feeling was something he couldn't compact into a single thought or string of notes.

Do youremember?
The promise I made to youthat I would never stop
I'm still walking
No matter what difficulties may interrupt me

It was complicated, and confusing, and every time he opened his phone to continue with a song he couldn't even hear in his mind yet, it brought a great deal of pain that made it that much harder to ever want to go back.

This song was different.

It was Hongjoong's heart served on a broken platter- and it was agonizing.

Unlike anything he had ever worked on before.

What would I be
If I hadn't met you?
I was looking for you
Across time

The bathroom door opened in a flash of steaming air, wooden frame reeling back to slam against the wall, and Hongjoong was only able to register his heart jump into his throat before he was dropping his phone on his face out of pure panic, groaning numbly into the nearest pillow as his nose throbbed.

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