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Getting ready for a group interview was simple.

Or at least it used to be.

Hongjoong had started to think otherwise by the time he got dressed and found himself wasting time on his phone in the corner of the room as the others got ready, fingers mindlessly moving over the screen.

There was a tension in the room that had never been there before when they did these things, the kind of tension that came with preparing for your first interview since two of your members came out.

There wasn't a manual for this situation, no tips they could surface from other idols or questions they could ask past groups, this was something all their own, and it was a lingering realization that all eight of them took in turn.

It was easy to tell how anxious everyone was, even without Hongjoong paying much attention to Yunho's lack of smile, or Wooyoung's focused gaze as he stared at himself in the mirror while getting his makeup done, jaw clenched and rolled forward like it did when he was either royally pissed or lost in excruciating thought.

Hongjoong really hoped it was because of the latter reason.

"Hongjoong-ssi." Their manager called suddenly, waving for Hongjoong from across the room. "There's someone here who wants to speak with you."

Hongjoong stood up with curious features, lips parted wide, but when he reached the exit door where their manager was standing and found only the interviewer staring back at him, his face turned stoic.


"Hello, Hongjoong-ssi." The man greeted, bowing sharply enough to have Hongjoong reluctantly bowing back.

"I was wondering if I could get a few words from you and San-ssi before the actual interview starts." He said, seeming polite, but Hongjoong's instincts kicked into overdrive without fault, and he felt his pulse quicken as he stared the man in the face.

"Why?" Hongjoong asked, not caring that he sounded furious because he was, and he knew exactly the reason why but he wanted to ask anyway.

To maybe have a justifiable reason to punch the guy in the fucking face.

"I wanted to interview you two privately first, but it seems you're not comfortable with that."

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