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There was an innocence in the beginning that neither of them really took the time to appreciate.

Before there were complications and limits, a constant tension between them that was all heated stares and desperate touches that were meant to test the waters, better understand what unresolved feelings were surfacing between them, but in the end would only leave both of them more confused than before.

Ever since that night in the studio when Hongjoong's apology had turned into something far too intimate, they had been living with this unspoken wedge in their relationship.

There was a question in every single interaction that they had, and Hongjoong could hardly take it.

But it hadn't always been like that.

Hongjoong could still remember what it had been like to silently love San, without the anxiety of wondering whether he was loved back.

It had been okay then.

When Hongjoong wasn't selfish, and was perfectly content with admiring something he had no hope in achieving.

It was never supposed to be about him.

As long as he had San, had his presence and smile and light, Hongjoong was okay.

At least he had been for a while.

Hongjoong was dead asleep the night Yunho called, the peaceful hum of the dorms air conditioner growing incomprehensible beneath the echoing ringer.

Hongjoong made no move to answer, uncaring whether the noise woke the other members as he turned over in his sleep with a restless pout on his lips, hair falling heavily into his eyes.

The phone was silent for hardly a second before it was ringing once again, rumbling across the hardwood floor where Hongjoong practically threw himself off the bed to retrieve it with great contempt.

"What?" He growled, hardly sparing a glance at the caller name before rolling back under the covers with the phone.

"Hongjoong-hyung." Yunho breathed out, relieved, and it was shaky enough to make Hongjoong's sleep ridden eyes open slowly, creasing with worry.

"What's wrong Yunho?"

"I just left the practice room." He explained, voice growing quiet as though he was afraid of being heard.

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