21 Resolutions💚💙❤️💜

Comenzar desde el principio

"Consider yourself lucky, Blitzy is a monster almost all the time." Stolas chuckles. "No matter what headspace he's in."

"You know you love him." Ozzie teases Stolas.

"Well, of course I do! I wouldn't change a thing about my adorable little gremlin." Stolas explains, He absolutely adores his mischievous little imp. "But, I can't help but being just a little bias towards his younger clingier side of regression."

Blitzø suddenly runs over to Stolas and climbs up on his lap, hugging the bird tightly as he cried into the prince's shirt softly.

Stolas immediately sets down his tea and wraps his arms around the little imp. "Blitzy, what's wrong, darling?" He asks.

When Blitzø doesn't answer, Stolas hums and simply continues to comfort him.

"What's wrong?" Ozzie asks Stolas.

"Verbal shutdown, he cannot talk at the moment." Stolas explains. "But something must have upset him. He doesn't usually just cry like this."

"Fizz!" Asmodeus called. "Will you come in here, please?"

Fizzarolli, looks angry as he walks out of the playroom and over to the caregivers. His tail is angrily twitching side-to-side like a cat while his arms were crossed tightly to his chest.

"Fizz, do you know why Blitzø is crying?" Ozzie asks.

Fizzarolli sighs angrily. "Yes."

Stolas raises an eyebrow. "Care to tell us why?"

"Because I yelleded at him." Fizzarolli mumbles.

"You yelled at him? Why?" Asmodeus asks gently.

"Because he bited me!" Fizz explains.

"He bit you? Blitzø, did you bite, Fizzarolli?" He asks sternly, holding up the Imp so he can look him in the eye.

Blitzø nods, no discernible changes in his facial expressions, he's not crying anymore at least, but his face still displayed conflicting emotions.

Stolas sighs. At least lying wasn't an issue. "That was very naughty, Blitzø. You are getting a time out, and then you are apologizing to Fizzarolli." Stolas says. He picks up Blitzø who hisses violently. The prince sets him down in his playpen Stolas had brought last time they were over.

Asmodeus turned to Fizzarolli. "Where did he bite you?"

Fizzarolli holds up his tail. "Here."

Asmodeus examined the bite, it was hardly visible; nothing much to worry about.

"Hiss at me again, and you're going to be in here longer." Stolas warns. Stolas walks back to the other two. "I am sorry, I really thought we had handled the biting issue." Stolas explains to Asmodeus and Fizz.

Asmodeus looks suspiciously at Fizzarolli, he was clearly hiding something. "Why did Blitzø bite you, Fizz?" He asks.

"He couldn't take a joke!" Fizzarolli says. "He wasn't listening to me so I called him a stupid baby, then he bit me!" Fizzarolli complained.

Asmodeus sighs. "Thank you for being honest with me, but you know better than to be mean to someone. Stolas, how long do you put Blitzø in time out for?" He asks.

Stolas looked over at Blitzø who was curled up in his playpen, clearly too tired to fight. He had his binkie in his mouth that was helping him stay calm, Stolas always made sure to keep one in his playpen as well as one of his stuffed animals. "I usually go by age, so for him now, he's only in there for two minutes. But if he misbehaves further or tries to leave the playpen, I add an additional minute." He explains.

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