18. I'll be there

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Loona is suspicious about Fizzarolli and Stolas.


TW: Talking about past, sexual talk, adoption, giving up, drunkenness, loneliness, teasing? Idk lmk if I should add something


Loona really couldn't hear what Blitzø and the weird clown guy were talking about, she didn't think to pay attention, she figured it was business as usual.

Even when the clown left in such a hurry, Loona didn't question it, most people don't like talking to Blitzø that long.

But then she saw both M&M hurry to Blitzø's office.

"Was that Fizzarolli?" Moxxie asks.

"Was that the clown I knocked out with a guitar?" Millie asked at the same time.

When Millie and Moxxie walk out of Blitzø's office, they were both extremely confused. "What do you suppose he wanted?" Moxxie asks.

"I don't know, but why was Blitzø acting so weird about it?" Millie asks back.

"What was that about? Who's Fizzarolli?" Loona interrupts, curiosity overtaking her. Something was off, and she can tell.

"I guess he must be an old friend of Blitzø's. We met him at Ozzie's..." Moxxie explains. "Kinda."

Loona tilts her head. "Ozzie's...?"

"For our anniversary dinner, remember?" Millie asks.

Loona's ears perk up... The night of that party in gluttony...

"Fizz?" She asks, starting to get angry. "The clown's name is Fizz?!"

"Fizzarolli, yeah." Millie shrugs. "Some clown though. He was kinda a jerk."

"Kinda?" Moxxie asks. "The guy made fun of my song, then publicly humiliated Blitzø on stage!"

Loona growled softly, then she held her phone back up to her face, letting the rest of M&M's conversation fade in the background.

They can't know what she was really thinking...

She didn't feel it best to get those two involved.

~~~Past: Loona, after the party~~~

"I had a really shitty day." Blitzø told her once he was settled on the couch.

"Oh yeah? Is that why you drank like- five gallons worth of who knows what?" She asks.

"Fuck, Fizz was right... I'm gonna die alone, aren't I?"

Loona didn't respond.

"Just a wrinkly old withered waste..." he adds. "My dad was right too...no one would want me, I fuck everything up. I'll be alone forever." He cries.

Loona squinted at him, confused. "Blitzø, what are you-"

"Everyone knows it...They only like the cute ones who listen...and I don't listen..." he whines.

"What are you talking about?" She asks.

"I'll be alone..." he says as if that's an explanation. "I can't bring her back...she's gone! And she'll never forgive me, and he'll never forgive me...n' I jus' ru'n ever'thin..." he says, slurring his words, getting more tired.

Loona has no idea who this 'she' could be... but, whoever it was must've hurt a lot to loose.

"Will you be there, Loonie?" He asks suddenly, clear as day.

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