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Blitzo woke up, surprised to see a lack of Fizzarolli next to him. "Fizz?"

He finds his boyfriend sitting alone by his vanity, practicing balloon animals anxiously.

Okay? Weird.
"Hey, what's going on?" Blitzo asks, sitting next to him.

His boyfriend sighs. "Well, the results came back." Fizzarolli puts down the balloon and hands him a piece of paper.

Age: 15
Name: Blitzo

20% protector

80% Neutral

Blitzo was relived this was finally over. "How'd you do?" He asks.

"Five percent little, ninety-five percent neutral." Fizzarolli answers. "We're in the clear...for now."

"And Barbie?" Blitzo asks.

"Guardian, mostly. And like forty percent middle. So, she's also safe." Fizz explains.

Blitzo nods, relieved to hear that. If she had got fifty percent, she would need a caregiver. "So, what's wrong?" He asks.

"Well...it's Cash." Fizz says.

"What the fuck did he do?"

"He wants me to take the test again...he suspects fowl play."

"Why would he suspect that?" Blitzo asks.

Fizz shrugs. "I don't know, did you say something?"

"Of course not. If you get caught, I get caught." Blitzo says.

Fizz and Blitzo stayed quiet for a few moments.

"Blitzo, if I take the test again, it could-"

Blitzo sighs. "Listen, maybe I could talk to Cash?" Blitzo suggests.

"Talk to Cash about what?" A voice asked. Fizzarolli and Blitzo turn around and see Cash; arms crossed, bottle in hand. "You will show your father some godamn respect, boy!" He scolds.

Blitzo sighs. "Fizz doesn't need to take the test again."

"He does if I say he does. I know one of you three cheated. I found this outside." Cash holds up the paper with the test answers.

Well, fuck.

"What's going on?" Barbie asks, walking in with Tella.

"There's a secondary test you can take in case of situations like this. Either one of you confesses by tomorrow, or else of all tree of you will be re-classified." Cash threatens.

Blitzo bites the inside of his cheek.

Cash didn't care about accuracy or making sure they're all taken care of, he wants them to be dependent on HIM. If either one of them were classified a little, they'd need a caregiver, unfortunately if you're family or a close friend, you can adopt a little without actually being a caregiver. Cash knew this. He also knew without them (Fizzarolli especially) his stupid circus was doomed.

Blitzø, present:

Blitzø mind was still fuzzy by the time he woke up. He only barley got himself to regress before crying himself to sleep.

Luckily he actually remembered to put on a diaper beforehand, because there was a dampness between his legs.

How fucking pathetic.

His head was throbbing.
Probably what he gets for not regressing for a while... and falling asleep on the floor.

He stretched and stood up.

He managed to get to the shower to clean himself up, then get dressed in his regular attire before Loona came back.

What was wrong with him? It used to be so fucking easy to push the regression down. Why did it keep getting harder? He used to only have to regress every couple months, and lately it's been every couple weeks.

Blitzø needed something- he needed someone to help him out of this childish mindset.

But everyone was gone.

Well...almost everyone.

Blitzø picked up his phone and found Stolas in his contacts...then set it back down.


Stolas is the last person he'd talk to. After what happened at Ozzie's, they're not necessarily on bad terms, but they're definitely not friends or or anything close to it- Blitzø would be better off dialing random numbers.

He sits on the couch to watch tv...

He can do this on his own. He's a big- nope. He's an ADULT. He can keep his mindset in check.

He got up again, one thing he knows he can do that'll keep the regression away was work, he never regressed at work.

It was dangerous to work without Millie or Moxxie, but he could do the simpler jobs, easy.

Blitzo, past.

Blitzo was smoking outside the tent after the show, damn this fucking hell! They needed to come up with something to get out of this...but how? Someone was going to have to take the second test.

"Got a light?" Barbie asks, standing next to him.

Blitzo grabs the lighter from his jacket and hands it to her.

"Thanks." She lights the cigarette.

"Any bright ideas?" Blitzo asks.

"About what?" She asks.

"About what? The test. What else?"He answers.

"Oh yeah, that. I guess I'll have to do it." She says. "You and Fizz are way too worked up about this."

"No, I'm not going to let him make you re-take the test." Blitzo says, not believing what he was hearing. They didn't know what was on the second test, she could have different results.

"Why not? What difference would it make?" Barbie asks.

"It's too big a risk, If you get ten more points than last time, you'll be classified a middle. You'll been stuck with Cash forever, and he fucking knows it." Blitzo explains. "It's what he wants."

"Open your fucking eyes, Blitzo! We are already stuck with him! Circus folk are classified littles all time, it's not like anyone gives a damn around here as long as you're profitable." Barbie scoffs. "At least if I was classified a middle, I'd have a case worker to make sure I was being paid a fair wage and working reasonable hours."

"And what exactly would you do if or when Cash decides you are no longer profitable?" Blitzo asks.

Barbie glares at him. "That sounds like a YOU problem to me." She takes another puff. "You really think I haven't figured out why you and Fizzarolli got the fake test answers? I will be fine. Why don't you worry about your own damn life instead?" She asks, putting out her cigarette and stomping on it.

Blitzo sighs. "We can't just let you take the fall for this. It's not worth the sacrifice."

"We can't let the precious golden child do it. And Dad wouldn't hesitate to ship you off to whoever the fuck would take you for five lousy bucks. I'm the only option here. It's not about sacrifice or freedom, Blitzo. It's about survival." She explains. "Imps like us are only successful as an entertainer, a servant, someone's bitch, someone to force all the dirty work on!" She paused. "Or, if you really want to be successful, you gotta fuck the hierarchy for a better position than you have. Nothing we do ever matters, we just keep surviving and hope there's something at least half decent waiting for us eventually."

Blitzo wanted to say something, but decided it wasn't worth it.

"I'm going to bed, I'll see you tomorrow." She says, angrily walking away.


Blitzø wished more than anything that he could say she was wrong...

But he's still waiting for half decent to show up.

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