14. Comfort items and comfort people 🧸💚❤️💜💙

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Stolas and Blitzø go through some rules,
Asmodeus is struggling to adjust to being a caregiver,

And Blitzø and Fizzarolli are just trying to keep it together...


TW: crying, sad and loneliness, feeling scared, feeling anxious, overwhelming emotions, traumatic past, nightmares, implied overdose, fear of dying alone. Lmk if I should add

~~~Stolas and Blitzø~~~

"So...rule one: No biting." Stolas starts to list.

"And here I thought you liked it when I bite you." Blitzø jokes.

"In bed there's a different etiquette than for a toddler." Stolas explains. "Also, I don't appreciate the bleeding, thank you."

Blitzø snickers, personally he found it kind of funny. He'd probably feel embarrassed if he had remembered any of it, but he's decided to treat his little self like a separate person all together so he won't have to think too much about it being him who cried for Stolas after he fell down the stairs. (A few blurry memories started to come back to him. He's choosing not to mention it.)

Stolas and Blitzø were currently in Stolas's bedroom. Stolas was walking back and forth with a notebook in hand while Blitzø just relaxed on one of the couches by the bookshelf. They had agreed on writing down some rules for Blitzø to follow so they can have more structure when Stolas 'babysits'.

Blitzø said he really didn't care whatever Stolas thought was best, but the bird insisted they go over the rules together so there was no confusion once Blitzø was regressed.

Stolas continues. "Rule two: No throwing blocks, toys, or any miscellaneous objects inside or at others."

"Misa- what now?" Blitzø asks.

"It means anything else, Blitzy." Stolas explains. "Rule three: no cursing in headspace."

"Well, that's just bullshit." Blitzø says. "How are kids supposed to tell people to fuck off if they can't actually say it?" Blitzø asks.

"Are you actually opposed to any of this or are you just trying to be contrary?" Stolas asks, one hand on his hip.

"Don't know what those words mean, I'm just messing with you." Blitzø says smiling.

Stolas hums, then looks back at the list he wrote.

"Anything else?" Blitzø asks.

Stolas nods. "A few, yes. You can no longer go down or up the stairs by yourself, no tearing books or breaking anything on purpose, if you need something, I'd like for you to ask permission, talk things out with me instead of throwing tantrums, and from the moment you step into the palace for regressing, I will be doing everything for you to help you regress more efficiently."

"Wait, wait, wait. What?" Blitzø asks.

"Uhm, would you like me to repeat all of that?" Stolas asks.

"You mean to tell me that you want to baby me even if I'm not in a little headspace?" Blitzø asks.

"Well...yes." Stolas explains, "sometimes it's hard for littles to regress right away even when they want to, so treating you as a little and keeping you on a schedule will help your mind get used to it."

Blitzø looks at him nervously. "Mhm...yeah, okay, but hypothetically, what if I think that's incredibly stupid and a bad idea?"

Stolas sighs. "Blitzø, you said you were going to trust me." He says.

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