16: Lost again

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Fizzarolli and Blitzø talk...

It goes as expected.

And Blitzø is questioning his relationships.

Notes: TW: Blood- lots of blood, implied r*pe, implied forced kn*fe play, gun, shooting someone, violence, fire, arguing, cursing, abuse, fighting, implied death, EMT, mentioned stitches, blaming the victim, causing someone harm and death, implied burning alive.

Lmk if I should add.

~~~Fizzarolli and Asmodeus~~

"Fuck no! He and I have nothing to discuss!" Fizzarolli protests. Asmodeus had just given him the news that Blitzø and Stolas were coming over this weekend to discuss what happened between them.

"Fizz, darling. I thought you would be thrilled." Asmodeus says.

"Why would I be thrilled to be forced to be in the same room with a selfish, sadistic, egotistical asshole?" Fizzarolli asks.

"You constantly talk about him when you're little." Asmodeus explains.

"Okay, so I'm completely stupid when I'm little, what's your point?" Fizz asks.

"You clearly still desire a relationship with him. You want your friend back."

"I promise, I don't." Fizzarolli says stubbornly.

"Fizz, Stolas says Blitzø is looking forward to seeing you." Asmodeus tells him. "Shouldn't we give this a chance?"

"Stolas said that?" Fizz asks.


"I don't believe it." Fizz says. "Blitzo, even if that was true would never admit it."

"Fizz, please? Just give this a chance?" Asmodeus asks. "For me?"

Fizzarolli sighs, this was the guy who takes care of him when he's little, he helped him escape Mamon, loves him even when he's annoying...how can he say no to that? "Alright. Fine. I'll talk to him."

Asmodeus smiles. "Thank you, bug. I love you."

Fizzarolli forced himself to smile back. "Love you too."

~~~Fizzarolli, Asmodeus, Stolas and Blitzø: the next day. ~~~

Blitzø and Stolas sat across from Fizzarolli and Asmodeus. Neither Imp has said a word to each other.

Asmodeus clears his throat and decides to start in order to break the silence. "Blitzø, I wanted to apologize again for the incident at Ozzie's. It was very unprofessional and rude of us."

Blitzø rolls his eyes.

"Blitzø?" Stolas scolds softly.

Blitzø sighs. "It's- it's fine. What you said wasn't technically wrong."

"Got that right." Fizzarolli scoffs.

Asmodeus nudges him. "Fizz." He scolds.

"Remind me, why you two thought this was a good idea?" Blitzø asks.

"You two have been holding on to resentment for far too long. Asmodeus and I both agree that it's time you two made up." Stolas explains to both imps. "Surely, whatever happened can be mended."

"You weren't there." Blitzø mumbles.

Fizzarolli sighs. "Blitzo-"

"The o is silent now." Blitzø interrupts.

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