Chapter 6: Honest Talk

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Time moved pretty quickly, but of course time flies when you have fun. Zuma, Rubble and Rocky were fixing the lookout's generator. It didn't worked for over two weeks and neither Ryder or Rocky had the time to check on it 'till now. The three pups were surrounded by components and spear parts. "Pups I'm home!" A voice called out. "Over here Ryder!" Rubble responded. The boy made his way to the generator and saw the work in progress, "Hey there how is it going pups?" Ryder asked kneeling down next to the mixed breed. "Well I'm 100% sure I'm not gonna finish this today. We need a component that I don't have on hand." Rocky explained putting his tools away. "I'll order it then we will fix it together when it arrives." Ryder said patting Rocky. "Okay Ryder." Rocky said.

As they packed up a voice called out from outside. It was Chase and Skye. "Back so soon?" Rocky asked. "It was more then enough." Skye replied leaning against Chase nuzzling him. Chase just smiled. "So he rizzed her up in the end." Zuma whispered into Rocky's ear. "Jealous that I did it?" Chase teased him. "Well can't say I'm not." Zuma said disappointed. "Hey don't be sad dude. Your time to shine will come." Chase said. Zuma smiled but a cry of pain attracted their attention. It was Marshall on the ground in pain, Snowball next to him looking worried. "Marshall what's wrong?" Ryder asked running up to him. "My back hurts. The painkiller's effect wore off it seems." Marshall said crying. "You should have been resting." Ryder said. Marshall gathered all his energy and tried to suppress the pain and sit up. "I heard Skye and Chase came back and well...Snowball has something to tell them." Marshall said nodding to him. The little wolf walked up to them and stopped in front of them. He smiled and said: "I luve yuu." Skye melted at hearing that and ran to him giving him the biggest hug she could give and so did Chase. "That was awesome dude! You two were really cooking over there." Zuma said. "The letter O is something he is struggling to say but we can fix that." Marshall said then laid down to rest. "I'm going to be useless for the next few weeks don't I?" Marshall asked looking sad. "Hell no dude!" Zuma yelled. "I agree with Zuma. This is the time-off you deserved. Shame you're injured but I think I will give you another week after you recover. Matter of fact we all might go on vacation once you get better." Ryder said making everyone excited. Skye broke the hug and turned to Chase. "You should tell him." Skye said. "Say what?" Ryder asked. Chase gathered all his courage and walked up to his owner. "Ryder sir...I don't want to be second in command anymore." He said. The pups looked at each other in shock. As far as they were concerned he loved being 2nd in command. "What's wrong Chase? This is unexpected from you." Ryder said kneeling down. "I have buried my emotions so deep and for so long that I have emotional pains. Ever since I became 2nd in command I couldn't go on missions without fearing I fail. Fail as a leader, resulting in what happened when they got captured by Harold." Chase said. "Harold gave him PTSD." Rocky whispered to Rubble. "For sure." Rubble responded. "Also I feared that the others might lose faith in me and therefore I lose their respect. I really hate failing in general. This position makes it worse." Chase finished. "I told him that he will never lose our trust and respect. But this is something we all have to assure him." Skye said. "He shouldn't have questioned our respect towards. Chase you are family for us." Marshall said. "Even more. You are like a brother to me." He continued. "We agree with Marshall." The rest chanted. Chase teared up hearing that. "I love you guys." Chase said. "I see what you're saying Chase and you should have told me about this earlier. I don't want to take the title away from you but if you feel that this is something you don't want then I will do it. But I must say you are great and a good leader. Do you really want to retire from the position?" Ryder asked. "Hell no!" Zuma yelled. "Chase dude, I think I'll talk in everyone's name when I say this, but there is no way we will let you do this." He continued. "Zuma..." Chase let out. "Yeah. You are the most qualified for the job. You need to let that memory go. You evolved since then. You are the greatest." Rubble said and all the pups nodded. "Pups..." Chase said turning to his friends. "I see everyone wants you to remain the 2nd in command. But yet again I need to ask: What will it be?" The boy said. "This position doesn't bring me joy. But maybe I was wrong about it all along. What do you say Skye?" Chase asked his girl. "Do what you heart says." She smiled. Chase looked down and had flashbacks on the times where he shined as a leader and the support he gave and got from his friends and colleagues. He let out a sigh and responded that he would like to keep the position for now at least." The pups came and hugged him to give him emotional support.

An hour later they where having dinner while chatting. "So now you two are going to share a house?" Rubble asked. Chase and Skye did not know how to respond. "Well we don't know. I guess we will. But what about Snowball?" Chase said turning his head to the little wolf. He was enjoying a medium peace of pork ribs but he stopped once he realized everyone was looking at him. "Enjoy your meal honey." Skye said and with his mother's approval he resumed eating. "Will he fit with us in your house?" She asked. "I don't know. Well we will find out tonight anyway." Chase said. "Marshall, time for your medication!" Ryder yelled from the other room. "Can you bring it to me please!?" Marshall asked. After a few moments Ryder came into the room with a bowl. "Thank you Ryder." The Dalmatian said. "You're welcome." Ryder said sitting down on a beanbag. After all the pups finished eating it was time for some tv then going to sleep. "Tomorrow we will continue learning. Okay Snowball?" Marshall asked. "Sure." Snowball responded. "Oh looks at you talking so much!" Skye said proudly. "Okay. Good night pups." Ryder said. "Good night Ryder the pups said. Skye, Chase and Snowball entered the police dog's house and they figured out that there was just enough room for them to fit completely. "Well we know that too now." Skye said. "Yeah. Good night you two." Chase said yawning. "Good night." She replied. Snowball was making cute low pitched noises saying good night to them. The night was quiet and warm. The town felt asleep and so did the Paw Patrol.

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