My Arrival

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* I tried to edit mistakes I found in the last two parts but if it is not updated I am sorry*

          I arrived on my hands and knees shadow traveling was not my strong suit. I sat for a few seconds because I was a good distance from the camp and I was behind a tree. When the world stopped spinning I stood up and transformed into a shadow wolf because I want this to be a fun entrance. I want the campers to panic and scream.

          I slowly walked out from the tree but I saw a Hellhound in front of me and I snarled as a sign to say 'go back to Hades or I will do it for you' it backed away and then left. I smiled to myself although I was in pain I was going to have a fun time.

          I walked to the entrance where a dragon was guarding the Golden Fleece. I walked by it but I didn't go unnoticed the dragon looked at me and I stared it dead in the eyes. The dragon clearly didn't get the message and it attacked me. I dodged the first attack but it hit my back right below where my wings are growing. I whimpered but then growled and pounced on it.

          I ended up knocking the dragon into the barrier and falling into the grass. The fight drew the attention of a lot of campers, the whole camp to be precise. Suddenly the dragon started to head back to the tree. I turned around to see who I assume was Nico, glaring at me. Then Chiron walked over into the circle. I ran to his side and many campers started to run towards me. I stopped at his side and stood there.

          I tilted my head to the side. I then said, "Oh, you all are scared I am going to hurt Chiron here. That's funny." I laughed and everyone physically jumped. I laughed even harder and fell to the floor.

          When I caught my breath I stood up and transformed back. They all backed up one step I tried hard not to laugh which in a way was kind of easy because my pain came back with a harder hit than before. Nico then walked forward and said, "It's you what is your soul doing out of the Underworld." I looked at him and my face went serious, "I presume you are Nico di Angelo, son of Hades, prince of Darkness, blah bla blah that sort of stuff. I am Luna Black, daughter of Thanatos and your bodyguard or protector which ever you prefer and I am not a soul for your information. So, since you know who I am can you tell Leo Val- no, no, no Percy Jackson to not hit me with RipTide. Sorry so many new auras had to focus a tad bit harder."

          I turned around and stared at Percy Jackson who had his sword pointed at me. I put my finger on the sword and pushed it down with an unamused look on my face. I turned around and looked around. My eyes finally landed on the infirmary remembering my father said Will was a healer. I looked at Nico and smiled. His eyes widened in realization. I transformed into a wolf again and slid through the crowd.

          I walked into the infirmary and so many people screamed, it was delightful. I transformed back into a human and stood there with my eyes closed sensing the auras. I finally found Will's aura and I walked toward him with my eyes still closed. I opened my eyes and grabbed his wrist. He was fighting back a bit. So I slung him over my should it was definitely necessary even though the pain was bad. Nico ran in as I was about to leave with Will who was really struggling. So I put him down next to his boyfriend. I then told him, "Dang, Nico even though your boyfriend is a healer he sure can hit hard." They were both stunned at this point.

          It then hit me Will didn't know who I am. I then knelt in front of them. I then formally said, "My apologies for the scare I had permission to do so from my father and I guess my hunger for the fear of others came out a little bit. Anyway I was sent here by my father and Hades to protect the both of you. I know you may think you won't
need my protection but just except it with no fight  because I really don't feel like fighting right now." They both looked a little less confused now. Then Nico spoke, "As long as you don't go overboard with the protection and you include me on you next hunger for fear spree. We have a deal." I smiled and shook his hand.

          * Thanks for reading this chapter I hope you all liked it I will try to keep making more chapters I know how it feels to be left with out the next part to a story and waiting isn't fun. So bye!*

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