You Get Hurt

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  Spoilers in my message at the end in regards to the Nikola Tesla vs Beelzebub fight, by the way. This was made to tide you all over while I produce requested oneshots and figure out writing smut without the usual terminology wattpadders use, like member and womanhood. No matter what I try, it always sounds too "I'm giving a medical report" and less "erotic novel", like I had planned. I kept it ambiguous for Adam's bit, in case you see him as a father figure like me, or if you're a simp, also like me. You're human in this and it's mentioned you are, so if your oc isn't, just pretend that they think you're fragile just because, ig.

  This is just like, if you get a minor wound like a papercut or something, or you trip.  Also, this is short and probably very OOC, but shut up. /j Also, it was my birthday on the 3rd... 🥲👍I didn't add Raiden, since I don't know all that much about him.


  "Oh dear." She's a little surprised, though she won't laugh or tease. "Did you get hurt?" Yes. You did. She won't bring it up again since there's no point.

Lu Bu

  "You're fine." He says it so matter-of-factly, as if he knows. You are, and he's right, but still. He might help you up if you're lucky, but he isn't going to kiss your "wounds" or anything like that.


  "Oh." He offers to help you up, a bit awkward since he isn't really used to affection like this. He'll be stiff when putting a bandaid on you since he'd offer if you both are close enough, but he would still be a little awkward.


  Adam is calm, helping you up and getting you healed. "Where does it hurt? Let me see." His usual soft tone helps alleviate any panic or pain, his gentle touch also doing the same. He'd help get you cleaned up, kissing where it hurts to make you feel better. He very much does baby you, but it's very tame. He's a father, the father of humanity, so you wouldn't expect him to react any other way.

Sasaki Kojiro

  He laughs, though it isn't at you. "Ah, no worries. I get banged up a lot. It's par for the course. Here, why don't we get a bandage on that?" He'd tell you of the times when he was in the mortal realm, purposely losing fights to learn from them. He'd laugh it off, reminiscing of those days as he told story after story.


  He doesn't worry at all. You're resilient, and you're just fine. He might ask to show he cares about you, but expect it. He would stand, maybe looking the other way. If he got hurt or fell over, he wouldn't want people to see. He's applying that logic to you, so try not to equate that to him ignoring your minor injury.

Jack the Ripper

  "Careful now, we wouldn't want to get ourselves too hurt." He'd offer to help clean your wound, though he'd definitely hum "London Bridge is Falling Down" during it. It feels like mockery, though it probably, most assuredly, isn't. "This slip up of yours seems to have soured your mood. Why not have some tea? It is about that time, you know." He offers, offering you something else if you don't like tea.


  He might laugh like Kojiro would, so it wouldn't be at you. "Ah, humans are so fragile. You really should be a little more careful, you know?" He is the type to carry a first aid on him because he's nervous that you would get hurt and he couldn't protect you. 

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