Loki x Shy reader

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Um, disregard the video. 🤭
You're allowed to choose whether or not you're a God or human in this, btw. Requested by nobody, I just felt like writing. Sorry if Loki is OOC. This is one of my shorter oneshots, so I'm sorry.

Loki was quite fond of tricking and playing pranks on gods and humans alike, though there was one who he loved to prank. It was hell for you, but Loki was very entertained. Since you were a masochist and you had a silly little crush on him, you let him prank you, despite the fact that it made you get paranoid at times. You were seated outside in the warm sunshine, surrounded by flowers and plants and a few friendly woodland creatures.

Loki wasn't too far away, originally planned on tricking you. Though, he couldn't bring himself to disturb you. You were talking to a small rabbit beside you and he couldn't help but feel jealous, so he took the form of a raven and planted himself on your shoulder. You looked towards him, bringing your finger out so he could perch there instead. "Oh, hello, new friend." You smiled softly as Loki perched on your finger, enjoying your attention.

You gently pat his head with your finger, his feathers getting slightly ruffled. Loki didn't care, internally grinning as the other animals grew jealous or left. This wasn't part of his plan at all-- he wanted to transform into a giant bear and scare you or something like that, but he now couldn't bring himself to do it. He moved his head as you pet him like a cat, letting out the occasional chirp or coo. You spoke to him in a soft tone as you pet him, like how you would with other woodland animals.

"I don't recognize you, though you seem familiar. I can't quite put my finger on how I recognize you, though..." You pondered, Loki soaking up more of your attention, happy that you aren't paying attention to anyone else but him. "It might just be a coincidence." You shrug, gently scratching under the bird's chin. He was strangely cat-like with the way he reacted to your touch, which was a bit strange. You didn't mind, however, still not catching on.

"Do you think the other gods know about this place? Surely, they do, but I've never seen anyone else here besides me. I'm sure you've seen someone, right? Would Loki like it if I showed him this place? Oh, what do you think, friend? Do you think it would make him like me back? Ooh, what if i grew special flowers?" You rambled, thinking aloud to the crow who listened intently.

Loki was waiting for the perfect moment for his "gotcha!" moment, where he can turn back into his original form and watch you get flustered, but he knew you wouldn't tell him this stuff ordinarily. "You've surely seen Loki before, yes? I hope he likes me back... Or at least, this place. It's special to me, so I want to share it with him. Do you think he'd just prank me if he found out, though?" You sulked, to which the crow chirped at you.

Loki wanted you to keep talking. '"Likes me back"? Well, you've already shared your little haven with me~' he chirped and tilted his head, looking up at you as you looked down at him in return. "Ah, sorry. Well, I think he might. It's nice and quiet, so I think he'd enjoy it here... Maybe we could even share a moment here together."

Loki saw his moment and took it, transforming back into himself. "Ooh, share a moment~? What kind?" Your eyes widened, sudden realization hitting you. You brought your knees to your chest, hiding your face in your hands as you felt your face get hot with embarrassment. 'He heard all of that! How did he find me?!' Loki snickered to himself as he watched you get flustered, grabbing your hands and pulling them away from his face.

"There's no need to hide, y'know~" Loki leaned in, his lips dangerously close to your own. "Besides, I'm your husband now." Your eyes widened, looking up at Loki."H-husband?!" He laughed, holding your face in his hands. "I was kidding~ I just wanted to see that expression of yours~!" He leaned in again, since you had moved. "Though, that isn't to say that I wouldn't like being your lover~"

"Wait, is this another one of your jokes? Or... Or are you being serious?" You asked. "Oh no, I'm being compeltely serious. I want to see your face change into expressions only I can see~ I want to bare witness to things only I can see from you, if you catch my drift~" Your eyes widened as you realized what he meant, Loki taking the time to make you even more flusted as he pecked you on the lips. Giggling, He watched you get more flustered. Loki could tell that this relationship was going to be extremely fun.

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